24 - Worries

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Ellysia's pov:

The time was now drawing near to the time when my baby would be born, my stomach had swollen to a huge size and it was difficult to walk long distances. I was so tired, felt nauseous and was often short of breath. I was very sensitive to the heat and my back ached, but through all of this, my friends were so helpful and caring.

Estel was coming to my chambers every day to sit and talk with me, since it was getting difficult to walk down the stairs to the garden where we usually met. Lia and Elli would visit from time to time and bring me delicious cakes and sweets that satisfied my many cravings. 

Thranduil was so selfless and caring during the last few months of pregnancy, he would finish his meetings early to be with me, even if all I wanted to do was sit together and stare at the sky. When I awoke in the middle of the night and asked for the strangest things he would assist me immediately. Our love grew deeper and stronger in that year and we both really gained an extra understanding of each other, I learned just how far he would go for me.

Even though life was good, I was still worried about my baby and that everything might not go as planned. So one morning I decided to see a healer, climbing down the stairs was very difficult so I called a maid and asked for the healer to come to my chambers.

A soft knock came from the door a few moments later, "my queen?" A timid voice called.

"Come in," I answered.

The door opened and a dark-haired elleth stepped inside, closing it behind her, "I am the healer you called for."

I sat up some more and leaned against the headboard of my bed, "ahh yes," I said softly, "I was wanting a bit of a check-up regarding how the pregnancy is going, I've just been a little worried lately."

A sympathetic smile came to her face as she neared the bed, "I'm sure everything is fine, your last check-up was a month ago and things were fine, but I'm happy to check again."

After emptying her bag of instruments and herbs the healer set to work, a few minutes later she looked up at me and declared, "as I thought everything is perfectly fine, there is no need to worry."

I sighed, "thankyou, you may go now," I ordered, surprising myself with my abruptness.

After the elleth left the room I shuffled down in the bed and laid my cheek on my hand. I was still worried, terrified to be honest. A tear slid down my cheek and was soon accompanied by many more, my naneth had died in childbirth, along with my sibling. I was so scared that the same would happen to me, and even though the healer had confirmed everything was fine, I still wasn't at peace.

I wiped the tears that fell but more kept coming, I sniffed, 'I've grown so attached my baby already, and I want them to be safe with all my heart. What if they are born with a disease? What if they become ill? What if the birth goes wrong?'

I breathed in and out deeply to try to calm my racing thoughts, but it was no use. I was also terrified because the one person I wanted to be by my side at that difficult time wouldn't be allowed to be. More tears flowed as that thought passed through my mind, I wanted Thranduil to be there with me in my pain, to hold my hand and tell me everything would be alright.

But it was forbidden, men were never allowed in the room when a elfling was being born, the fact that he couldn't be there to comfort me, was the underlying worry that was troubling me the most.

Suddenly the door to the chambers opened and Thranduil entered, shutting it behind him, he walked towards where I was, but stopped as he realized I was crying. Rushing over to me he knelt down by my side and took my hand into his, "what's wrong meleth nin?" He asked, concern obvious in his eyes.

I swallowed and shook my head, "I'm scared Thranduil," I cried.

He stroked my cheek with his free hand and met my eyes, "about what?" He asked kidly.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat before answering, "I'm scared about the birth," I whispered, "my naneth died in childbirth and I - ," I couldn't finish.

Thranduil stood and wrapped his arms around me, "oh Ellysia," he breathed, "I know that is a difficult fact to deal with but please don't worry, everything will be alright. The healers have told you there is nothing to be concerned about. And I will be right there by your side through everything."

I tried to calm my sobs and spoke, "but, you won't," I sniffed, "men are not allowed to be in the room, it is forbidden. A-and, I don't think I can do it without you with me."

Letting go of the embrace to look me in the eyes Thranduil stated with a little frown, "the last time I checked, I was the king, and I can change any rule if I want too," he stated, "if you want me with you then I will not leave your side, no matter what."

I breathed a sigh of relief, "oh thank you," I cried, relief washing over me, and he pulled me into another embrace, "thankyou."

Thranduil placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "I will never leave you meleth nin," he whispered, "I will always be with you. I promise."

• His Heartstrings • A Thranduil Love Story.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ