23 - Rumours

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Ellysia's pov:

I smiled as I ran my hand over my visible bump, this baby was getting closer to meeting the world, and I couldn't wait to meet them. As much as life had been peaceful, there were rumours that bands of Orcs were starting to come close to our borders.

I was scared there would be a battle soon, not a war, although Mirkwood could easily defend itself if there was one; I was more so worried about the people that lived nearer to the entrance of our realm. Where I used to live was quite close to an entrance and there were many elflings living in the village. 


"Well is there any other news we should know about?" Thranduil asked as he and I spoke with Aldon, the captain of the guard.

"Well I can't say for certain my lord," he began, "but there has been a report of Orcs invading."

"Foul creatures," I heard Thranduil mutter under his breath.

"Invading?" I asked, "I thought there were only nearing the boarders."

"Well two of our scouts reported otherwise," Aldon stated, "they were sent out to see where our enemies were and if they were indeed close. But they found that they are closer than we'd thought."

"Were they disposed of?" Thranduil asked.

Aldon nodded, "yes, the scouts took care of the couple they found, but they are certain there is more, and not just hiding in the forest, but coming up from the great river."

I swallowed nervously, "what are we to do?" I asked.

"I will lead a small contingent into the woods to see this for myself," Thranduil stated, "in the meantime send soldiers to the four corners of our borders, I don't want any Orc filth sneaking their way to the nearby villages."

"Right away my lord," the captain nodded, bowed his head and left us to obey the orders of his king.

I turned to Thranduil, "but what if there are too many?" I asked, my voice laced with worry, "what if you get hurt?"

Thranduil smiled kindly and placed his hands on my upper arms, "don't you worry meleth nin," he stated gently, "I will be alright, I promise you."

I breathed out slowly trying to calm my anxiety, "when will you leave?" I questioned.

"Right away," he replied, "I want this problem dealt with."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his torso, "be careful my love," I murmured.

"Do you think I am not able to defend myself?" He asked teasingly.

I pulled out of the hug with a smile tugging at my lips, "not at all," I replied, "you are such a skilled warrior amongst our people, I just love and don't want a hair of your head to be injured."

He chuckled gently, leaned down and kissed my lips lovingly, "I promise I will return to you soon meleth," he stated after we broke the kiss.

I sighed, "alright then."


I tried not to worry when Thranduil left the palace with a small number of soldiers, upon the time of their departure he had kissed me again and told me everything would be fine, but I still worried. Maybe it was normal since I was soon to become a Naneth, and it's a known fact Naneths worry over their loved ones.

I went back to our chambers and tried to relax, but it was hard. I called for Estel and she had come in and spoken with me for an hour, which was very comforting. We talked mostly about the baby and how wonderfully different and exciting life would be when they were born. She left for her chambers soon after the sunset, leaving me a little more peaceful. 

I was feeling a little nauseous so I passed up dinner that night and went straight to sleep, trying to keep my mind off the fact that Thranduil still wasn't back. I eventually drifted off to sleep, dreaming of my beloved unborn child, whom I yearn to meet as every day went by.


I breathed in and out deeply as I slowly awoke, I didn't open my eyes but I could tell it was still night, so I tried to go back to sleep. But as I moved to get comfortable again I felt someone stroke my head gently, I turned slightly and smiled as I saw a pair of blue-grey eyes watching me. I sighed in relief that he wasn't injured, he wasn't wearing the armour of earlier but was dressed in a simple red robe.

"Ohh, you're alright," I murmured, reaching out my hand.

Thranduil took my hand in his and leaned over giving me a quick kiss, "I told you everything would be fine," he stated gently, "there was only a small group in the forest, we fought them off easily."

"Then why did you take so long?" I asked.

"I decided to go to the border by the river and make sure nothing was lurking nearby," he answered, "there were a few Orcs, but we took longer because we found one of the scouts lying injured a while off. The soldiers stayed to attend to her since she needed immediate help, and I decided to stay to see if she would be alright."

I smiled, "always so considerate," I said softly.

Thranduil returned the smile and stated, "it is late, you and I laes need rest."

I reached out my hand and gripped onto the material on his shoulder, "don't leave me," I pleaded.

"Never would I ever leave you my wonder," he whispered, and joined me on the beg, holding me close and stroking my hair as he would often do at night.

I sighed contently and closed my eyes, my fears diminished and my mind now at ease and ready for sleep.

I leas - baby.

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