22 - A Wonderful surprise

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Ellysia's pov:

Five months after the wedding...

I groaned quietly as awoke one morning, I rolled onto my side and was about to get comfy again when a huge wave of nausea washed over me. With a shriek I covered my mouth with my hand, jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, I bearly made it to the toilet before I threw up.

Five seconds later my hair was being pulled back out of my face and I felt Thranduil's presence behind me, rubbing my back, "it's alright, it's alright," he tried to comfort me.

When I finished, I grabbed a towel and wiped my mouth on it before sitting down and leaning my back against the wooden cabinet with a groan, "oohh, that was horrible," I whimpered.

Thranduil kept his hand on my shoulder but stood a little to reach me down a glass of water that was sitting on the marble washbasin, "drink some water," he instructed gently handling it to me, "not too much, you don't want to be sick again."

I took a couple of sips to ease the burn in my throat, before handing it back to him, "thank you," I breathed, then as the nauseous feeling passed, I was able to speak properly again, "oh I don't know what happened. I just felt nauseous all of a sudden."

Concern still in his eyes Thranduil asked, "are you alright now meleth?"

"I think so," I replied, "I just need to have some breakfast and start the day."


I held my dress up slightly as I climbed down the stairs towards the garden, I still didn't feel one hundred percent and hoped some fresh air would make me feel better. When I arrived I went over to the fountain and took a seat on the bench in front of it breathing in the cool air. I then noticed someone was behind me and turned to see Estel, "hello mellon nin," I greeted her.

She joined me on the bench and rubbed my shoulder, "I ran into Thranduil in the west hall," she began, "he told me you weren't feeling well and were sick this morning."

"Yes," I replied, "but I'm alright now, just a tiny bit queasy."

"Well you should try some ginger tea," she declared, "my naneth used to drink it whenever she felt nauseous, worked like a charm when she was with hén."

I nodded, but soon a thought floated into my mind, 'with child... could that be the cause to the sudden nausea? I had better go check with a healer.'

Seaming to read my thoughts, Estel smiled and stated, "you might want to visit a healer, if you are with child it is a perfectly good reason for this morning."

I shivered with nerves and excitement, "do you truly think so?"

She lowered her voice as a noble lady entered the garden, "are you trying for a child?" She asked.

"No," I answered, "but I would not be disappointed if that was the cause, I have always prefered the idea of my son or daughter coming unannounced rather than planned. That way is a wonderful surprise."

"When was your last monthly cycle?" She asked.

"Well," I sighed, "come to think of it, it is late."

Estel smiled, "well if it is the case, I cannot wait to meet your little one."


I shakily walked out of the healer's room and into mine and Thranduil's quiet chambers. My heart was pounding so fast I was sure everyone in the palace could hear it, the healer had confirmed my suspicions of earlier, I was pregnant. I felt a million emotions at once, I was so excited and eagerly awaited the day I would meet my child. Yet I was so nervous, I had no idea how to be a good parent.

At the dinner table that night I was extremely quiet, hardly saying anything, I was so scared of how I would tell Thranduil. I didn't even know if he wanted a child now, it wasn't even a year into our marriage. I picked at the food on my plate but didn't eat much, Thranduil seemed to notice something was wrong with me, so he asked, "what's wrong Ellysia? Are you still feeling ill?"

I shook my head, "no, nothing's wrong," I lied, and dropped my gaze.

I could tell he didn't belive me but I didn't say anything more.


I crawled underneath the soft covers of our bed with a heavy feeling in my heart, I was tired physically, but also mentally, trying to figure out whether to tell Thranduil that I was pregnant. 

Exiting the bathroom in his nightclothes my husband blew out the candles around the room and joined me, laying down by my side. Sliding an arm around me he gently played with a few strands of my hair in silence for a few moments.

I heard him sigh, "please tell me what's wrong meleth nin," he said softly.

Staring at the dark ceiling I felt a tear slide down my cheek, "I want to tell you something but I don't know how you'll react," I admitted.

"You can tell me anything meleth," he stated softly, "I will not get angry and I promise to listen to every word."

I sighed, "I went and saw a healer today," I began, "because I was sick this morning. She ugh, told me some news," I swallowed, "life-changing news."

Thranduil propped himself up on an elbow and from the dim light of the moon coming through the window I could see the concern on his face, "what is it?" He asked.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and sighed, "I'm pregnant," I whispered.

His eyes went wide and he asked, "truly?"

I nodded, "yes, I have all the symptoms, my nausea and my cycle is late, all telltale signs, I probably should have realized earlier. "

The biggest smile spread over Thranduil's face and he sat up, helping me up before pulling me into an embrace, "why would you be afraid to tell me such wonderful news?" He asked, joy evident in his voice.

I smiled too now, "well, I was afraid you wouldn't want a child at this time," I admitted, realizing how silly that sounded now.

Thranduil stroked my hair gently, "of course I want a child, I am so wonderfully pleased meleth nin," he stated, kissing me lovingly, "I cannot wait to meet our little one!"

I giggled quietly and sat back as he released me from the hug, and pulled up my dress to expose my stomach. He gently rubbed it before placing a kiss on it making me giggle.

"I already love you my little one, very much," Thranduil murmured against' my stomach, making me giggled again and my heart fill with joy, he had so much love, and this little baby would be showered in it, even before they were born.

 Giving my stomach another soft kiss Thranduil stated, "I will love you forever, and I promise I will protect you and your Naneth with my life."

Mellon nin - my friend.

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