27 - Admirers

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Ellysia's pov:

"Aww good morning my little prince," I said softly as I gently woke up Legolas one morning, Thranduil had left early on another scouting mission and I was left alone in our chambers.

He stretched his little arms above his head and yawned, slowly opening his beautiful blue eyes, he saw me, then he let out a little cry and didn't stop until I had picked him up and cuddled him. His hair was the same colour as his Ada's and it was so soft, like the downy feathers of the tiniest bird.

I rocked him gently as I swayed back and forth walking around my chambers, loving the feeling of being able to move freely again. It had been seven days since Legolas was born, and I hadn't left the room since then. I needed to rest, my friends had respected that, sending their good wishes.

I made my way over to the window and looked out at the beautiful sunny day, I decided today would be the day I would go down to the garden and finally get out of the palace. So after dressing in a light blue, flowy dress, I made my way down the stairs, carrying Legolas who was dressed in a little yellow slip and wrapped in a soft white blanket.

As I entered the garden I breathed in the fresh warm air and sighed contently, I had missed this place. Suddenly a soft squeal of delight came from not far off and three elleths ran over to me.

"Oh, how are you Ellysia?" Lia asked reaching me first, soon followed by Estel and Ellie.

I smiled, "I am doing well now, actually wonderful now that I have my little prince," I replied leaning down to kiss his velvet skin.

Estel gasped and placed her hands on her face in a sort of pyramid formation, "he's beautiful!" She exclaimed, peering at the little bundle in my arms.

"Yes," Ellie spoke up, "so adorable!"

I smiled, turning to Lia I asked, "would you like to hold him?"

Her eyes lit up in excitement, "I would love too!" She replied.

I carefully placed the baby in her arms and stood back, watching as she rocked him gently, "hello little prince, you are simply beautiful," she cooed.

Estel stepped forward and stroked the baby's face gently, he then stretched out his arm and wrapped his tiny hand around her finger, making her smile and giggle; "what did you name him?" She asked.

"Legolas," I replied, "my little green leaf."

"Perfect," Lia stated, gently handing him to Estel to have a hold.

She took him gently and stared at his dear little face for a few moments before she announced, "he is going to be so handsome one day."

"Oh yes," Ellie piped up, "very handsome."

"And a warrior," Estel continued, "a strong, brave warrior, that no enemy could ever even hope to defeat."

After Ellie had held Legolas for a few moments I took him back into my arms, his expression immediately relaxing now that he was near his naneth.

"Oh I really mean it Ellysia," Estel stated, "he is going to be magnificent. And he already is now, so beautiful, dear and wonderful."

I smiled down at him, "you have some admirers my little leaf," I said softly, placing a kiss on his delicate cheek, "you are so perfect."


I sighed as I climbed into bed that night, even though I hadn't done anything tiering, I was still exhausted. Pulling the soft covers up to under my chin I snuggled down into the comfy mattress and rolled onto my side so I could see Thranduil. He smiled gently and stroked my cheek, "goodnight meleth nin," he whispered.

I smiled, "goodnight," I replied and closed my eyes.

I ran frantically through the woods, my sword in hand and my bow and arrows strapped to my back making a clunking sound at each step. My heart was pounding so loud and I took rapid breaths in between my screams.

"Legolas!" I screamed, cupping my hands over my mouth to project the sound.

"Legolas where are you?!"

I ran as fast as I could until I came to a rushing river, my heart dropped as I realized he could have slipped on one of the icy rocks and drowned in the swift-moving waters.

"Legolas! My leaf where are you?!" I screamed, looking around me in every direction.

Suddenly I heard a horrid sound, the sound of an Orc nearby, I spun around and saw it standing behind me.

"Get away!" I yelled holding up my sword.

It snarled and said something in Orchicsh that for some odd reason I was able to understand.

"Your son is dead!" It growled, followed by an evil laugh.

"No!" I screamed as I felt my heart break in two, "nooo!"

Anger started to wash over me again and again until it was like I was standing underneath a waterfall, I yelled in rage and plunged my sword through the vile creature. It growled and fell to the ground, dead.

I then dropped to my knees beside the river bank and sobbed uncontrollably for my son, my precious Legolas, my little green leaf. I had just lost my everything, my heart was experiencing so much pain, pain I didn't think was even possible. I knew my life would be completely different from that day forward. I would never be able to play with my son again, never be able to teach him how to shoot arrows, never be able to take him to the garden I loved so. I would never hear that sweet, sweet word 'naneth' again.

I had just been broken, and I would never be whole again.

"Ellysia! Ellysia!" Thranduil's worried voice woke me from my nightmare.

I gasped for air and sat up, sweat was dripping down my face and my throat felt dry and scratchy; then I remembered my dream and burst into tears. Thranduil wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him, placing kisses on the top of my head.

"Shh meleth, you're alright now," he comforted, "it was just a dream. You're alright."

I sniffed and pulled out of the hug, "it wasn't me," I cried, "it didn't happen to me."

Looking at me sympathetically, Thranduil took my hand in mine as I continued, "it was Legolas, our precious little leaf. He- he, orcs killed him. I thought I had lost him, my joy, my everything. I thought-," I couldn't finish as I burst into tears a second time.

Thranduil hugged me again, rubbing my back as he softly said, "but you didn't, Legolas is right there by your bedside, sleeping peacefully in his crib. Nothing can get to him, he is safe."

I tried to calm my sobs as I breathed in deeply, clinging tightly to my husband, "don't you ever leave me like what happened our son in that horrid dream," I said shakily.

"Oh meleth," he breathed, "I will never leave you, and neither will our son, I promise. I will always be here, and I will always protect you and our little leaf."

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