2 - Invaded thoughts

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Ellysia's pov:

In utter shock of what had just happened to me, I quietly followed the prince down the dirt path towards where he said his mount was waiting. We rounded the corner and I saw a giant Elk tied to a large tree.

Thranduil untied it and mounted, turned to me and held out his hand, I took it and he lifted me up behind him. I had no idea what I was supposed to hold onto when we started moving, the prince was out of the question of course, and the elk's hair was too smooth to provide any grip, so I held onto the long straps tied underneath the animal that were connected to the saddle. Thranduil tapped the Elk gently with the heel of his boot and the creature obeyed by walking slowly in a straight line. I clenched my stomach muscles in an attempt to keep my balance and gripped onto the straps, but it was proving very difficult.

Suddenly the animal came to a halt causing me to nearly slide off; I heard the prince chuckle, which made my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. He then reached his arms behind himself and grasped my wrists, pulling them around his waist, "you're going to want to hold on Miss," he stated, "we've barely begun and Sael can go a lot faster I assure you, I don't want you taking another fall."

"Alright then," I answered meekly and clasped my hands together.

Thranduil started the elk moving again and this time at more of a cantering pace, and as embarrassing at it was, I was glad to be holding onto the prince. After about ten minutes of riding, the Sael stumbled a rock sticking up out of the path with his front leg and tripped slightly, causing me to gasp and clutch my arms tightly around the prince.

I heard Thranduil chuckle softly, "that's a little tighter than I had in mind." I loosened my grip, heat flushing my cheeks for the second time that day, I wanted to say something, but I was too afraid to mess it up.

A while later we cleared the forest and the prince slowed the animal to a walk, "where do you live Ellysia?" He asked, turning slightly in the saddle to meet my eyes.His eyes were such a pretty colour, light blue and silver, I hadn't noticed before, and, in some strange way, they made me never want to look away, "uhh, down there," I pointed ahead, "in the village a while away from the city."

He nodded in response and turned the elk in the direction I pointed out. About half an hour later we reached a small village that made up for its physical size by its simplistic beauty. There were small homes with thatched roofs and gorgeous front gardens filled with flowers and tall trees, some of which, swings had been fastened to for the elflings to ride. The paths were not bare, but instead where lined with all kinds of flowers and roses, and eflings played and ran about in the streets without a care in the world.

From where I sat seated behind my escort, I could just make out his face as he gazed at the tranquil site, his awe upon seeing the village warmed my fea'and reminded me of just how lucky I was to live here. I had oftentimes wished I could stay in the great palace with the nobles and rich elves, and yet here was the prince himself marvelling at the humble place in which I lived; and I wondered if he had even ever visited it before.

As if reading my thoughts, Thranduil stated, "I have not visited this village before, it is a very beautiful place."

"It is indeed," I replied, "I am blessed to live here."

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