Chapter 47: You Have 24 Hours

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High school was coming to an end soon, and everyone was starting to apply for colleges. My mother's wish was Yale, so I applied up for it. It was my wish too, but I wasn't that excited about college. Almost everyone wanted to get into Yale, but only a few of them could.

Today I got a letter back from Yale, and I got in. Which makes me one of the lucky ones, but I wasn't excited at all. I decided to hide the letter in the drawer and not tell anyone about this.

Today was also Billy's birthday. He's making a party tonight and he's already announced it to the whole school. Almost everyone will come, because he's now one of the popular guys in the school and everyone wants to hang out with him. It's also his 18th birthday, and he wants to make something big for everyone to remember it.

I don't know how he planned for everyone to fit in our house, but that's not my problem because I won't be there. Since Archie won't go too, I decided to spend the night at his house.

I was holding an invitation for his birthday, which I found in my bedroom today. And it just went through my head, why would he call me when we don't talk anymore and should I go?

"Please, tell me you're not actually thinking about going to that." Archie said, sitting next to me on the couch.

He just made popcorn and we were getting ready to watch the movie. We agreed to have a movie marathon tonight.

"No, of course not. It's just...weird, you know? I mean why would he even invite me?", I asked.

"I don't know, probably just to mess with you some more. Who cares, let's just begin our marathon and have our own fun."

"You're right.", I smiled and put the invitation down on the table.

Two movies later, we couldn't watch anymore because of the noise coming from my house, so we decided to stop. Archie soon fell asleep, i don't know how he manage to do that from all this noise. I couldn't sleep really, so I just kept looking out the window.

After some time, I decided to go to a party. I invited Veronica to come with me and bring me a cute dress. After a few minutes she arrived with a blue dress. I changed, loosened my hair and put makeup a bit. Then we both sneaked out of Archie's house and headed to mine.

There were plenty of people in the garden, and there was trash everywhere. Most of them were already drunk.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed him on the table dancing with two girls. But he noticed me too. He took a one shot, got down from the table and walked over to me.

"You showed up.", he said playfully and I could tell he was drunk.

"I only came for drinks.", I said and went looking for it.

Few drinks later, I lost Veronica in the crowd. I wasn't worried, I simply went to dance, but I could feel that I was really drunk. I danced to a song: "Wild Thoughts", but soon I felt someone behind me, I turned around and saw Billy.

"I'm glad you came.", he yelled to out loud the music.

"Don't start, seriously.", I yelled too, still dancing.

"Okay then.", he said. "You look hot in that dress though.", I said nothing just kept dancing. "You're a good dancer too."

"Of course i am. I'm a cheerleader, duh.", the room was spinning.

"Yeah, I know.", he got closer and was just about to kiss me when...

"Betty!", I turned around and saw Archie.

"Archie? What are you doing here?", I asked.

"Looking for you. And why the hell are you here dancing with him?", he was angry with me.


"You know what, do what you want i don't care anyway.", he said leaving, i tried to go after him but i stopped in the garden cause everything was spinning and i was way too drunk.

I started vomiting, after i finished I sat down on the grass and after some minute Billy sat down next to me.

"Did you just vomit?", he said laughing.

"I'm not talking to you.", I said. "Why did you invite me, anyway?", I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm in love with you, Betty.", I looked at him not believing the words he just said. "Is that so hard to believe?"


"Why? You're beautiful in every possible way and you make me want to be a better man."

"Well, you're late. I'm in love with someone else."

"Who? Steve? I thought you two ended...", I cut him off.

"Yeah, because of you!"

"Sooo, it's not him?", he asked and I just turned my head not answering him. "Have you ever been to LA?", he started with his drunk talk.

"I've never really been anywhere outside of Riverdale.", I said kind of ashamed.

"You want me to take you?", I looked at him, he's talking nonsense. "Anywhere you want really. Italy, France, whole damn world."

"Oh, wow!", I mocked him. "You're talking a lot of bullshit tonight, Billy. And I'm sick of it. One second you hate me, and the other one you're in love with me. That's bullshit!"

"I think you should go now.", I could tell he was angry.

"I get it now.", I looked him in the eyes. "Your father didn't love you, so you think no one will either. And as soon as someone gets close you just push them away, not even giving them a fucking chance to show you that only they want to is love you!", I got up and just about to leave when he stopped him.

"I know about Yale, Betty. And I'm gonna tell Alice.", he said.

"Fuck you, Billy.", I just said and left to my bedroom.

Some hours later, police showed up and stopped the party. Luckily my mom wasn't here a whole week, otherwise she would go crazy.

I went downstairs and saw Billy sitting on the sofa. All around him was trash, the whole house was cover in trash.

"You can't tell my mom anything.", I said.

"Not only that I can, I have to, I will and I want to.

"I'm not asking you to lie, all I'm asking is just not to say anything until I decide to tell her myself."

He got up from the sofa. "And when is that, hmm? Do you have any idea how Alice would be happy if she founds out that her daughter got into Yale? Unless you don't want...", I cut him off.

"I do, more than anything!"

"Do you?", he asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter, cause that's what she wants and I want her to be happy. I mean Yale wasn't my first choice, it was Harvard. But even if i applied i wouldn't get it."

"But if you wouldn't, would you?", he smirked. "You're scared of leaving high school, you're scared of leaving this little town. You like being in your comfort zone. We're the same, Betty."

"Then show me we're the same. You know how much I love my mom, and you know how scared I am of going out of my comfort zone. Soo promise me you won't tell her anything, cause i would do the same thing for you the same."

"Okay, I promise I won't tell her anything. But you have 24 hours, before I tell her myself.", I looked at him not believing his words.


I'm back finallyyyy!! And hopefully I will write more often. Sorry for this long long pause, but I guess I'm back again

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