Chapter 35

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We watch Jax's mother walk up to the judge, get sworn in before sitting in the witness chair. My eyes flicker to Jax and I can see he's physically holding himself back to not lash out at either of them. I wouldn't have cared if he did something but considering we are in a courthouse and there are police officers around, there's no doubt he'd be arrested on the spot. I reach over, placing my hand on top of his closed fist, my thumb moving over his skin as he glances over at me. I give him a small smile, the unspoken words of I'm here sitting between us.

"Mrs. Beckett, your statements that were given to the police express that you had no responsibility for the physical abuse the plaintiff received. Elaborate on what you mean by that," Mr. Taylor demands.

"I never laid my hand on that boy. I'm the one that breastfed him when he was a baby and the only one that took the time to take care of him. His father went back to his bad habits last year," she scoffs. I'm the one that wants to scoff. The day that she came to the school to try and take Wren with her, it was obvious that he was scared of her and that means she did something to him.

"Your honour, we would like to submit the second piece of evidence," Mr. Taylor says holding up a CD to the judge. "This was taken from police officer body cameras when they went to arrest Mrs. Beckett and Mr. Beckett back in November." He hands the CD to court staff and they place it into the DVD player before playing it. We sit watching as the scene plays out, the police arriving at Jax's childhood home and their mother opening the door for them.

"Mrs. Beckett, you and your husband are under arrest for abuse and child endangerment. Anything you say at this point can and will be used in the court," the police officer says, snapping handcuffs on her. A couple of police officers enter the house to arrest Jax's dad and investigate the inside of the house.

"Let me guess? That fucking brat snitched to the cops?" she sneers. "It seems he still needs to be taught a lesson" Mr. Taylor holds up his hand indicating that the CD be paused, just stopping right after what Jax's mom said. 

"Mrs. Beckett, can you explain what you mean by this?" he asks turning towards her.

"I was clearly out of my mind that day, one too many glasses of alcohol," she says nonchalantly.

"We did a breathalyzer test and it came back negative, you weren't impaired. You later consented to do a blood test to rule out drugs and it was also negative.  You knew what you were saying at that moment," he says holding up some papers before passing copies of it to the judge and defence. I look over at the defence and it's clear they want to object but they can't considering these are official hospital papers. Jax's mom pales considerably and her mouth opens but no words come out.

"Do you have anything else to inquire Mr. Taylor?" the judge questions.

"No, that is all for the moment," he replies as he moves to sit back. The defence gets up to question their client and I sit back half listening to what they are saying while also keeping an eye on Jax.

"It was all his fault; he was the one that made me say it," she screeches pointing at her husband. "He's the one that made me put him there and leave him for hours. I love my baby boy. He's my son, I would never hurt him. I can't go to jail, I need to get Wren back from her," she says standing up to point at me with a crazed look in her eyes. "She stole him from me!" Her voice echoes throughout the courtroom.

"Mrs. Beckett, I am going to ask you to sit down and to lower your voice or else you will be escorted out of the courtroom," the judge warns.

"I'm going to kill that bitch and I'm going to get him back," she screams as she runs from her chair to where we're sitting. Oh fuck, things just went from zero to a hundred in no time. Jax stands up in front of me, shielding me from her but before she can even reach our side of the courtroom, police officers swiftly move in to cuff her. They escort her out as the judge hits the gavel on the podium.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐱-𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now