Chapter 2

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I say goodbye to the officers and walk back into Wren's hospital room. I take a seat beside his bed and look to the doctor to tell me about Wren's condition.

"Wren is in stable condition. We did x-rays to find out if he has any sort of internal bleeding but thankfully he doesn't. What he does have is severe internal bruising and we want to keep him at the hospital for the next couple of days to watch his condition," the doctor tells me.

"You hear that Wren, you'll be okay in no time at all," I say with a smile. I turn back to the doctor and nurse as they pack up the files they brought with them. "Thank you so much," I say to the two of them.

"No, we should thank you. If you didn't bring him in now, things might have turned for the worse," the doctor tells me. I watch the two of them walk out, close the door and I turn to look at Wren who I find is silently observing me.

"How are you feeling?" I ask gently.

"I'm feeling okay, they gave me medicine," he answers, holding up his hand to show me the IV needle.

"That's good, it's going to help you feel better," I tell him as I glance at the clock in the room, the time showing it's already six. "Wren, why don't you take a nap for a bit?"

"Are you leaving Ms. Dawson?" he questions and I can see the worry in his eyes. I smooth his hair back and adjust the blankets around him, wrapping him up more snuggly. " Don't worry, Wren. I'm not leaving you." He gives me a small smile before his eyes close and in the next minute, he's asleep. I guess all that's happened this afternoon has made him so exhausted. I pull out my cell phone, remembering that I have to dial Tricia. 

"What did the doctors say Charlotte?" she asks as soon as she picks up.

"Hello to you to Tricia," I chuckle. Tricia is the one person I've become good friends with within the school.

"Yes, hi Charlotte but back to important matters. What happened?" she asks in worry.

"We are so lucky Wren showed us his bruises because if he didn't there was a chance it could have become internal bleeding," I sigh, just saying the words makes my heart feel heavy. She lets out a gasp as soon as she hears that.

"Do you know who did this to him?" she questions.

"That I can tell you. Wren told the officers that it was his parents that gave him the bruises. He's abused at home," I answer, my voice filled with anger.

"Oh my goodness. Have they arrested his parents?" she questions.

"Yes, they have, and they're taking them in for questioning," I reply.

"Okay, that's one problem down, but what happens next? Who's going to take him in? Did they tell you?" she asks one question after another. I think back to what the officer told me earlier and I can't tell her that the only person that Wren has as a family member is an older brother, an older brother that just got out of jail.

"No, they haven't told me anything as of yet. For now, they just want him to rest," I lie. There's no way I can tell her about Wren's brother.

"Alright, keep me posted, okay?" she instructs. 

"Will do, and I obviously won't be in tomorrow, so will you be able to find a substitute for my class?" I ask her as I glance back at Wren.

"I'm already one step ahead so don't you worry. Just email me the day that you're ready to come back," she says reassuring me.

"Thank you so much, Tricia. I'll send you an email for tomorrow's lesson plan," I tell her.

"You're welcome, take care of yourself and Wren," she says to me softly, it's nice to have a boss like Tricia.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐱-𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now