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"I am so not ready for this," I whispered. The wolves were hiding until the newborns showed up. The Cullens and I, with the exception of Edward, were waiting as well. Emmett stood by my side. Last night, he had tried to convince me to stay with Edward and my sister, but I wasn't having any of it.

I could hear the newborns running through the woods, their scent getting stronger as they got closer. Soon enough, they broke through the tree line and into the field, running at us. That's our cue.

We ran at the newborns, attacking. I grabbed ahold of one of the newborns from behind, ripping his head off. I heard growls as the wolves showed up, surprising the newborns.

I kept tearing their heads off when I saw a newborn about to get Emmett from behind. I opened my mouth to shout to him, but Jacob got there in time. I continued going after the newborns and, as Jasper had said, they are definitely strong.

I had just ripped a newborn's head off when I felt arms wrap around my neck. Crap. I lifted my arms up in an attempt to take the arms off, but it was no use. I thought I was done for when the grip was gone. I gasped in shock and turned around to see Embry's wolf. He looked at me gave me a nod. I smiled at him before running off.


After some time, we had managed to kill all the newborns. The wolves went into hiding after Alice had a vision of the Volturi. We stood around the burning bodies of the newborns when I smelled Bella.

"How long?" Edward asked when he and Bella reached us. Bella hugged me and I hugged back, thankful that each other were ok.

"A few minutes," Alice answered as I stood next to Emmett. "Maybe ten."

"The pack needs to leave," Carlisle stated. "The Volturi won't honor our truce with the werewolves."

I saw Jacob come out of the woods, looking at the white wolf that was standing on the other side of the field. Next to it, a newborn showed up, causing the wolf to growl and run at it.

"Leah don't!" Edward shouted. Jacob ran at the newborn, taking it off of Leah, who I learned from Bella was one of the wolves. I didn't know which one, but I do now. The newborn and Jacob fought before the vampire managed to wrap his arms around Jacob, digging into his ribs. Jacob let out a pain filled yelp as the vampire threw him to the ground. My eyes widened as he phased back. Sam and another wolf killed the vampire as Edward, Carlisle, and I ran to Jacob. Bella came soon afterwards.

"Jacob," Edward said. "Hang on. Carlisle is going to take care of you."

Oh, my God...

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered," Carlisle stated. I bit my lip.

"Oh, my God," I muttered.

Bella knelt beside me.

"Bella," Jacob groaned.

"Jake, I'm right here."

"Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah said, a look of worry on her face.

"Leah," Sam said as he knelt beside Carlisle.

"I need to set the bones before his accelerate healing kicks in." I watched as Carlisle moved Jacob's arm slightly. "It's already starting."

"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna want to fight with the Volturi," Edward said quickly.

"We'll take him back to Billy's," Sam said.

Carlisle nodded, looking at the man. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Hang in there, Jake," Bella said with a shaky voice.

The four of us moved as the wolves carefully and slowly picked up Jacob, carrying him.

"They're coming," Alice called out.

Four members of the Volturi walked towards us, stopping a few feet away. I recognized them but only knew Jane's name. God, I hate her. They took their hoods off. "Impressive," Jane said. "I've never seen a coven escape an assult of this magnitude intact."

I felt Emmett wrap an arm around me protectively, pulling me closer.

"We were lucky," Carlisle lied.

"I doubt that." God, I just want to punch her in her face.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight," one of the men said. He looked to be about Jane's age.

"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"If you would've arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward spat.

"Pity," Jane said. I wanted to roll my eyes. These guys thing they're so bad. She looked slightly behind me with a smirk. "You missed one."

Everyone turned to look at the girl Carlisle and Esme had spared. She had said her name was Bree and I feel really bad for her. Jasper stood beside her, almost protectively. She looked terrified, obviously not really knowing what was going on.

"We offered her a place to stay in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle said.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane said before looking at the girl. "Why did you come?" The girl suddenly let out a scream as she dropped to the ground in pain. I had started to go at Jane, but Emmett held me as if he knew what I was going to do. "Who created you?"

"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you need to know," Esme aid with a look of pain in her eyes.

Jane stopped and smirked. "I know."

I am going to kill her when I get the chance.

The girl groaned in pain before sitting up a little. "I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe."

"Her name was Victoria," Edward stated. "Perhaps you knew her."

"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle asked.

"Of course," Jane said with a slightly sarcastic tone. "Felix."

One of the men behind Jane started to walk forward, but Esme spoke. "She didn't know what she was doing." Jane stopped the man. "We'll take responsibility for her."

"Give her a chance," Carlisle said.

"The Volturi don't give second chances," Jane said. "Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." She looked directly at Bella.

"The date is set," Bella stated.

Jane didn't say anything as she looked at Bree. "Take care of this, Felix. I'd like to go home."

Felix walked forward toward Bree. I couldn't bare to watch, so I turned away, burying my face in Emmett's side. He held me as I listened to the sound of Bree's scream before it was cut off.
What is this? Another update? Well, I don't have school today so I decided to update.

I hope you guys liked it. I'll see you soon.


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