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Darkness... Nothing but darkness. I couldn't see or hear anything; it scared me.

The last thing I remember is feeling excruciating pain in my wrist before everything went dark.

Had James bitten me? He did lift my arm. Am I dead? Am I a vampire?

I felt my body healing itself. I felt different. A good different, though.

There was a faint noise which confused me. What is that? It kept getting louder and louder until it was clear as day.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!" It was Emmett. He sounded so angry. "You were there! Why didn't you help him?! Oh, wait. You were to busy helping your precious Bella."

"That's enough!" I heard Carlisle yell. "Both of you!"

I heard a growl come from Emmett before it stopped.

"No, let him be," I heard Esme's soothing voice say. "Let him calm down. He needs a minute.

"He needs to control his temper, Esme," Carlisle said, frustrated.

"Blake has been gone for five days, Carlisle. He's still coping. We all are," Esme soothed.

I felt myself begin to wake. Is this a dream? Am I dead or am I alive?

I felt my eyes open and everything was white. My eyes adjusted almost immediately as I woke. I feel different.

I sat up and turned my head to see everyone, except Emmett in the room. Even Bella was here.

What's going on?

"You're awake," Carlisle said.

I looked around the room. I could see every detail of every little thing. I looked down at my clothes and saw I was wearing something different. I was in a button-up shirt and a pair of dress pants. I didn't have shoes on so when I touched the floor, my cold feet hit the warm carpet.

Why do I feel cold but am not? I listened to everything, yet I only heard one heartbeat; it was coming from Bella.

I looked at everyone and they looked at me, empathetically.

"Welcome back, Blake," Esme said with such a motherly tone, it made me want to cry, but I couldn't.

"W-where's Emmett?" I asked softly.

"Blake?" I heard Emmett's voice behind me. It was soft and soothing.

I turned around so quickly and sped to him, hugging him tightly.

"God, I never thought I was going to hear your voice again," Emmett mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"I never thought I was gonna hear your snarky comments again," I whispered.

"You look amazing," Emmett said, kissing me.

I kissed back, my hands going to Emmett's hair. As we kissed, I heard everyone leave, giving us privacy.

This is the second kiss Emmett and I have shared but this one felt different. It was like I could feel every emotion in it all at once.

I pulled away when I felt my throat start to burn. Emmett looked at me.

"My throat," I said.

"You need to feed. Come with me."

I followed Emmett out of the house and into the woods. We were running so fast and it was amazing. I looked around at everything, taking it all in.

We stopped and Emmett told me to listen. I closed my eyes and listened; a bird, a rabbit, a frog, a deer.

My eyes shot open as I sped in the direction of the animal. I stalked it before lunging, managing to kill it before sinking my teeth into it.

𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝘼𝙍𝘿 ➣ 𝐸. 𝐶𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛✔Where stories live. Discover now