Chapter 46

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Trigger warning: Death, Gore, Angst..  lots of Angst... I'm sorry.

The group all made their way to the room Hunter was in. He was pacing and talking like a mad man. He was speaking incoherently and his eyes had become black colorless voids of nothing. Virgil laughed at the mess he saw before him. He could feel the furry rolling off Hunter, but it didn’t so much as faze Virgil. He was done letting this man hurt anyone else. 

Hunter’s attention was drawn to the laughter coming from the doorway, he growled and his canines extended. He was looking more animal than human anymore. Virgil just smirked in amusement. The others who had followed Virgil lacked the amount of confidence he had. The whole group shifted uneasily. 

“HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET OUT!?” Hunter demanded. Virgil looked around the room that made it look like it was obvious, but when he was done he looked back at Hunter with a lazy smirk and shrugged. 

"͕͊Ẁ̭e̘̳͛͑ ̡͕̯́͘͝ã̛̱͎͚̈r̙͖͌̀ë͕͖́́ ̡̟̐͞l͚̩̲͌̈̂é̱̯̕ä̗̺͉́̃̀v̬͓̅̚ḯ̫͘͟n̤͙̊̎g͓͡ ̡͙̺͛̃́n̼̠̂͋ö̤̤͙́̓̉w͚̆."͇͚̈̈ ̖͖̗̀̀̕ Virgil said his voice holding so much authority that Hunter couldn’t help but dip his head slightly. Which only served to piss off the unstable man even more. 

“The Hell you are! I did not bring you here so you could saunter out of here with my pack! You have no authority here! I’m in charge!” Hunter said furious. 

Virgil super speeded and slammed Hunter against the wall, Virgil holding his throat in his fists. “No your not.” Virgil said so quietly that it made his voice loose the glitch. The amount of ice that laced into his voice caused Hunter to freeze in fear. “You are done hurting them. I want to kill you. I could kill you so easily right now…” Virgil said squeezing the man’s throat tighter, his claws growing and digging into his flesh, making his eyes bulge. 

Virgil could feel himself fraying, he could feel his anger consuming him. If he didn’t stop, he wasn’t sure he ever would. He wanted to tear this man to shreds to tear his finger nails off one by one, to rip out his eyes and shove them down his throat so he could see him tear his carcass open. Then use his electricity to fry the corpse for good measure. Hunter probably still wouldn’t even know half the pain he put Molly and the others through. He deserved it. He.. Then an image of that rouge he killed flashed in his mind. The feeling of utter regret he felt. The pain of knowing he stole life away from something. Good or Evil. He couldn’t. It wasn’t him. 

“I won’t kill you, but you will live the rest of your life as a filthy rogue. You will never even be looked at again. You will die miserable and alone. I’ll be sure of it.” Virgil growled. 

Hunter gasped through breaths that were being constricted by Virgil grasp. Virgil let go and Hunter dropped like a sack of potatoes to the ground. Hunter grabbed at his throat subconsciously. He started chuckling, as Virgil turned to walk away back to the others who were staring shocked at what just transpired. 

“You are just like your father.” Hunter laughed. “He was always too soft. He should have killed me when he had the chance.” 

Virgil ignored him and kept walking.

“He also should have never turned his back to me!” 

Virgil narrowed his eyes in confusion before he started to turn around. Then the world seems to move in slow motion. Hunter super speeded and grabbed one of the broken silver bars. His flesh sizzled as it was burned by the contact. He was about to plunge the bar into Virgil, when there was a blood curdling scream. Someone shouting “No” and a body getting in the way. Then…


Time suddenly started moving at normal rate. Virgil stared in horror. In between him and Hunter stood Molly facing Virgil. She looked down to see the silver bar sticking out of her stomach.

“Well shit… That’s unfortunate.” She said a miserable chuckle leaving her as blood started spilling out her lip. She coughed, and Virgil felt the hot liquid slatter his face. 

Xel was hysterical, as Ash and Zalea had to hold them back. Zalea had tears pouring down her face. 

Molly swayed slightly before her body collapsed Virgil catching her. 

Molly turned her head to her friends causing them to all freeze. She smiled at them with a few tears falling down her face. “I love my weirdos.” She said softly, then she turned her head back to Virgil. “I love you Virgil. I’m sorry I wasn’t the best sister.”

Virgil shook his head violently. “No you’re fine. You are gonna be fine.” 

Molly shook her now ghostly pale head. She lifted her hand up and wiped away the tears pouring from his face. She held her hand there for a moment, before it fell limp at her side. Her eyes dulled as the light slowly left them. She smiled one last time, “I’m fine.” Then her eyes slid closed. 

Hunter started laughing. He was keeled over in laughter as the rest of the room fell silent. “I knew she was stupid, but I never knew she was that stupid!” He laughed. 

A purple pulse of energy exploded through the room slamming Hunter against the wall. Causing his rib cage to practically shatter. He gasped in pain as he slid to the floor. Hunter looked up to see three very angry wolves standing above him. Their lips pulled back into snarls. Silva dripping from their sharp fangs. Hunter paled in terror. The wolves all looked to Virgil. His eyes were glowing with furry as he held Molly’s body close to him. He gave the trio a nod. The small blond wolf didn’t hesitate. Hunter screamed before the sound was cut short. Xel lunged for Hunters throat. The other’s tearing at his insides. A harsh metallic smell filling the room. The sound of flesh tearing and bones crushing and wolves snarling was almost sickening to hear. They might have been disgusted if everyone in that room didn’t take such pleasure in the death of this monster. Soon the trio pulled the mutilated body from the room. 

Welp I can honestly say I cried writting that soooo.... I am gonna go hide now... please don't kill me

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