Chapter 9

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Soon after Virgil fell asleep the others slowly funeed into the room. Surprised to see Roman as a wolf, and even more surprised that Virgil was cuddled up against him. When they walked in Roman perked up head his ears perked with alertness. When he realized it was just his pack mates he settled back down. 

“So, you showed him?” The question hung in the room and Roman wasn’t quite sure who had said it. He thought maybe Logan but it could have been Cassidy. Roman huffed gruffly to acknowledge the statement, but being too lazy to answer through the mind link.

“What do we do now?” This was definitely Patton who whispered that. He was leaning his body weight into Logan, he was tired after such a stressful day and the warmth from his mate made him comfortable. 

“Now we wait for him to shift.” Logan stated. “He’ll either trigger his own shift during one of his panic attacks or he’ll shift at the full moon. He doesn’t know how to resist the moon's pull and I believe now that has triggered that partial shift earlier it will cause him to shift then.” 

“When is the next full moon?” Remy asked who had no sense of time.

“Next week.” Logan stated. “Roman we can’t let him leave. We have to keep him here.” 

Roman growled lowly the rumble only slightly stirring Virgil who quickly settled back into his deep slumber. ‘I know that Logan. I am not an idiot.’ Roman mind linked.

“What do you think happened to him?” Patton questioned sadly, “Why has this little pup had to live his life alone and without a pack? How could the Moon Goddess be so cruel.” Patton felt a lone tear cascade down his face. His heart ached for the kiddo. He may only be a few months older than him, but Patton was feeling such a deep parental urge to protect this small creature next to Roman. 

“I don’t know Patton, but we will find out.” Logan said gently. “We will leave you be now, Roman.” With that they all left. 

Roman looked at his mate with sad eyes. He couldn't help but agree with Patton how, could the Moon Goddess be so cruel and yet so brilliant at the same time. He could only imagine what had caused his mate to be so closed off and frightened, but at the same time the Goddess had given Virgil to him. This beautiful ravenette that was now snuggled close to him. His face buried into his fur. He didn’t know anything about Virgil’s past, but he promised that if he had ever been hurt before, he swore it would never ever happen again. 


The next morning Virgil woke up feeling warm and safe. He reached out his hand, he  wasn’t sure what he was expecting to find but the empty bed next to him wasn’t it. He sat up straight and looked around. He was alone in the room and he felt in his stomach his anxiety stirring. His eyes landed on the window to see it was dark outside. It was either very late, or very early. Virgil was inclined to guess it was the latter of the two. 

 He stood up and padded quietly over to the door and opened it a crack. No one was in the hallway, But he did smell something wafting towards him from down the stairs. He couldn’t help but follow the smell. It led him down him down the stairs where he found himself hiding behind the railing. He stared through the bars and saw that he could see what looked like a kitchen. He could hear a gentle humming coming from the room. He tried to get closer, when one of the stair steps creaked slightly. The humming paused, before it started back up again. Virgil let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding before he continued the rest of the way down the stairs. He hid himself behind the doorway and only peeked around the corner just enough to see inside. Inside he saw Patton busily making food. That’s what the smell was. It was the smell of freshly made blueberry pancakes. 

Virgil’s stomach let out a loud growl. It was then that he realized he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast the day before. Patton stopped humming and smiled lightly. “Hey kiddo, you can come grab a stack if you want. The others won’t be up for a bit yet, and Roman went for a run.” Patton said without looking up from his work. Virgil looked from the food in the kitchen and to what looked like the front door a few feet away. He could run for it. He could get away from all this and make his way home. 

His stomach growled again.

He needed to eat before he could even consider an escape plan. 

“You can’t escape on an empty stomach kiddo.” Patton said gently like he had been reading Virgil’s thoughts. Reluctantly Virgil caved. He stalked into the kitchen grabbed a plate and only slid one pancake onto his plate before sitting down at the table nearby and digging in. After one bite his eyes widened in amazement. These were so incredibly good. They tasted just like Mar-… He shook the thought from his head and just focussed on how good it was as he scarfed it down. 

As soon as he was finished another one slid onto his plate. He looked up to see Patton smiling down at him. “I’m glad you like it kiddo.” Virgil looked at him with a caged expression before his slowly started eating the new slice. He did get brave and grabbed some of the blueberry syrup that was placed in front of him. 

“Virgil, I need to ask you some questions.” Patton said as he sat down in front of Virgil. 

Virgil froze a forkful of  pancake halfway up to his mouth,


“Please Virgil, at least let me ask them and you can decide if you want to answer or not.” 

Virgil grumbled, “Fine you can ask, doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” 

Patton beamed, “That’s good enough.” The pure energy radiating from Patton when he beamed was almost enough to make Virgil smile back, he didn’t but he almost did. “Okay, so first question. You said you were abandoned at an orphanage. How old were you?” 

Virgil sighed, he supposed that question was fairly harmless. It wasn’t anything he would have hidden before. “I was a newborn, the matrons think from how small I was maybe a few hours old at most.”

“They don’t know?” 

“Nope my parents, whoever they were, dropped me at the doorstep and ran. Didn’t even stick around to make sure I was taken care of.” Virgil said spitefully.

"You don’t seem to think very kindly of them.” Patton remarked. 

“Why should I apparently I wasn’t good enough for them. They got rid of me, before they ever even got to know me.” Virgil said resentment clear in his voice.

Patton couldn’t imagine that Virgil’s parents didn’t want him. Werewolves are extremely protective of their young. It was extremely rare, especially for a female to reject their pup. When it did happen it was at least after all the hormones of the birthing process calmed down. If Virgil was only a few hours old then that mother should have not taken her eyes off of him for any reason. So she would have had to have thought that was the safest option for Virgil if she could even consider letting her pup out of her arms. Unless… unless she was gone. When a mother dies in childbirth a father can sometimes not handle the loss of their mate and will abandon the pup. However, if that was the case, then Virgil probably would have ended up somewhere way worse than the doorstep of an orphanage. 

“Well, kiddo maybe your parents had a good reason for what they did. Maybe it was their only way to protect you. To keep you safe.” Patton tried to help. 

“God, you sound just like her.” Virgil groaned, letting his head fall to the table. 

“Just like who?” Patton said confused. 

Virgil’s head shot up. Shit! He didn’t mean to say that. “No one. Don’t ask.” Virgil growled. “That’s enough questions.” 


“DON’T!” Virgil stated his eyes flashing purple. This dominant aura flaring around him. That caused Patton to whimper and bow his head. 

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