Chapter 43

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Trigger warning: torture and people getting off from said torture. (Any one have a better way to fraise that?) Let me know if I missed something. Stay safe

Virgil and Molly were trapped in a stunned silence as they just stared at each other. Neither one knew what to say. It was a good five minutes before either of them spoke. Eventually it was Virgil who broke the silence.

“Molly you know what just happened don’t you?” Virgil said.

“I-” Molly tried to speak but her voice gave out from screaming so hard before so she nodded instead. 

“You know why my necklace glows different colors too?” 

Another nod.

“Will you tell me?” Virgil asked. 

Molly tried to speak again but wasn’t able to. She clutched at her throat and looked at Virgil with sad eyes. 

“Right, can’t talk. That should heal quickly though. Right? Cause the whole werewolves heal fast healing things.” Virgil asked. 

Molly shrugged, but then her eyes got big like she had just had an idea.

‘H-hey can you hear me?” Virgil heard Molly’s voice in his head and his jaw dropped. 

“How are you… How?” Virgil said confused. 

‘I forgot, you are a part of this pack. So, since you are we can talk via mindlink.’ Molly said timidly. She still expected yelling. She was sure at any moment Virgil would start screaming at her, because she had gotten him into this mess in the first place. She didn’t understand why he was talking so softly towards her. After everything she had done. ‘To, um to answer your questions about your necklace.” She said shyly. 

“Oh right, I got distracted. It’s weird having someone else's voice in your head.” Virgil said.

‘Yeah, anyways. Your necklace changes color based on you. How you are mentally, how you are physically, when your wolf is surfacing, when you are using your powers.’ Molly tried to explain but Virgil interrupted. 

“I have powers! Like you and your flame?” Virgil jumped in, surprised. 

Molly gave him a look that said, “Seriously? How have you not noticed?” But she didn’t say it. ‘Yeah’ is all she said instead. ‘Can I please finish?’ Molly asked almost impatiently.

“Oh right sorry. Go ahead.” Virgil stated.

Molly was about to continue when both of their heads perked up and looked at the door. They could hear footsteps heading in their direction. 

Molly froze, and Virgil watched in horror as Molly retreated within herself again. She started shaking, but other than that her face became an emotionless mask. Virgil could only guess that this was her only defense mechanism she had to keep herself safe from the monster that was approaching them. She stared blankly at the floor as the door creaked open and Hunter entered. 

Hunter glanced around the room and chuckled seeing the fresh scorch marks around the room. “I see she had another episode.” He said casually. Not even sparing a glance at Molly’s cage only watching Virgil. “I’m surprised you're not fried chicken right now. Usually her episodes are quite explosive.” Hunter said miming an explosion with his hands. Then laughed at his own joke. 

Virgil felt his lip curl into a snarl as he growled at this horrible thing in front of him. Hunter just rolled his eyes. Before they got bright with glee. “Well since you didn’t have your parents teach you, you clearly have no respect for your superiors. Before I kill you perhaps I can teach you that lesson. I mean it is the least I can do as your uncle. Wait one second. He said before walking over to a chair in the edge of the room. He pulled it out and moved it to the middle of the room. It was old looking and had leather straps on the arm rests. 

Molly who had barely glanced up whimpered involuntarily at the familiar sight. Hunter smiled, “Remember this do you? It has been a while.”

Molly pushed herself as far as her small cage would allow. Hunter laughed before sauntered over to Virgil cage. Hunter unlocked the cage door, but before he got Virgil he said quite clearly “Cause any problems and I will kill her.” Virgil growled but didn’t do anything. Hunter quite easily grabbed Virgil’s smaller form and shoved him into the chair. Hunter then tied down his wrists and ankles making sure he was secure. Then he started attaching wires and things to Virgil. 

Virgil tried to be brave. Put on a strong face for Molly, but he wasn’t okay at all. He had never felt so much terror coursing through his veins. He was having a hard time regulating his breathing. He couldn’t move and that only served to scare him more. 

“There everything is all set. Oops almost forgot.” Hunter shoved this thing into Virgil’s mouth that separated his teeth. “Don’t want you biting your own tongue off. I’m no monster that would be cruel.” He said laughing before walking to this box. zHunter turned this dial before pressing a button. 

Virgil’s body spasmed slightly as pain jolted through him. Virgil’s eyes widened as he understood what was happening now. 

Oh shit!

Hunter laughed psychotically, he turned up the dial and pressed the button again. Virgil’s muffled cries of pain filled the room, his back arching against the chair. Virgil seized as an electrical current flowed through his nervous system setting everything on fire. It felt like hot lava was being pumped through his veins instead of blood. 

Molly was rocking back and forth in her cage now like someone in a padded room, her arms wrapped around her like a straight jacket. Virgil’s cries of pain echo through the room.

Hunter licked his lips as he watched Virgil writhe in agony. Hearing the screams brought him pleasure and he began doing ‘things’ to himself as he watched the other two people in the room suffer. He had never enjoyed himself more. He considered grabbing his pet so that she could make it even better but he decided against it. 

Once he was satisfied he turned off the chair. Virgil had fallen unconscious long before, but his body had still convulsed despite the lack of consciousness. Now Virgil flopped almost lifelessly in the chair. Hunter rolled his eyes at how weak he was. This boy was supposed to be his brother’s son? He couldn’t believe how pathetic it all was. Hunter untied Virgil and dragged him back to his cage and tossed him inside. Slamming the door shut. Molly whimpered at the sudden loud noise. Then Hunter left.

Molly sat in the now silent room rocking herself. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

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