Chapter 1

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17 years later

Virgil groaned as he rolled over in his bed. He did not want to get up yet. He grabbed his pillow and covered his ears trying to block out the shrill noise coming from his clock.

Okay this was really getting on Virgil’s nerves now. He threw off his pillow and glared at the evil machine that demanded his attention, to see that it read 6:15 am.  He picked up the clock and shook it. “What did I ever do to you? Huh? Why the hell do you have to wake me up so early?” He finally sighed and set down the clock and hit the snooze button before flopping back down upon his bed. 

Ah, peace and quiet. 

Just then the sound of knocking came from his door. 


“Virgil you need to get up!” The voice of the head matron came through the door. “Now! You may only have one more month of school left before the break but that doesn’t mean your done yet.” Virgil sighed before he rolled off of his bed onto the floor with a loud thud. Hearing the thud the head matron knew that he would be getting up and left to finish making his food. The rest of the kids didn’t have to get up for a few hours.

Virgil slowly dragged himself into an upright position before standing up. He slowly made his way to his closet. Okay, what to wear. Virgil looked at his closet and sighed “Let’s see here black, black, oh look at that more black. So many choices so little time.” He rolled his eyes and grabbed one of his black shirts and pulled it on, then did the same with his pants and socks. After that he quickly grabbed his baggy jacket off of his rolling chair. He sighed in contentment as he felt his security blanket once again around his shoulders. It made him feel safe.

Once he was ready, he went downstairs to see what the head matron had prepared for him. He was being quiet, so he wouldn’t wake any of the kids up. He was the oldest in the orphanage. No one ever wanted to adopt him. Hell, they couldn’t even get anyone to foster him. Said he was too much trouble when they tried. No one wanted him. He could understand that. Who could ever want him around. Clearly his parents didn’t if they just left him on the doorstep of an orphanage. In the rain. 

At this point Virgil had given up on ever getting out. His only option was that in a year when he turned eighteen and they would kick him out. He knew that the head matron didn’t want to do that to him, but what could she do. She couldn’t let him stay when he was legally an adult. 

He was still lost in thought as he sat himself down at the dining table in the mess hall. “Hello? Earth to Virgil, come in Virgil.” The head matron was waving her hand in front of Virgil’s face trying to get his attention. Virgil jumped as he snapped back into the real world.  

“Sorry Miss Miller, I was just lost in thought.” Virgil mumbled, but held a smile in his eyes. He knew exactly what she would say in response. He could probably mouth along to it. 

“Virgil, how many times have I told you? Don’t call me Miss Miller it makes…” She started but Virgil finished for her.

“It makes you feel old. So, that's why you have everyone call you Mary.” Virgil said with a smirk.

“You did that on purpose, didn't you?” She responds narrowing her eyes slightly. 

Virgil just smiled and winked at her. Virgil loved Mary; she was the closest thing he had ever had to a mom. Mary of course loved all the children of the orphanage, but she always had a soft spot for the boy since she was the one who found him on her doorstep all those years ago. She even let him take her last name since the necklace they found with him didn’t have one. So he became Virgil Miller.

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