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Eddie sat on the roof of his house, dry tears staining his face from his most previous argument with his vile mother, who decided that screaming at her son, calling him a "disappointment for being a fag" a few minutes after coming out to her.

Eddie had called Richie, his boyfriend of almost a year, to tell him about the event, and Richie was already in his rusty car, on his way to pick Eddie up and cheer him up again.

The fragile boy sat with his head perched in his small, bruised hands, his knees close to his chest. He wore a light blue shirt and his infamous pair of red short shorts. A vibrant blue and red striped bracelet was tied around his left wrist, a silver promise and ring hugging the ring finger of his right hand.

Richie's rustic, neglected car pulled into Eddies Driveway, and Eddie climbed down from the roof to meet his boyfriend.

Richie stepped out of his car, his arms inviting the small boy in front of him in for a hug. Eddies face was stained with tears, and his cheeks were still rosy from crying. Eddie wrapped his tiny arms around Richies skinny waist and placed his head agains Richies chest, fresh tears slipping from his eyes. Richie's arms slithered around Eddies small frame as the boy cried, and Richies heart broke as every sob left Eddies mouth. One of Richie's hands gently played with Eddies fluffy hair, and the other held him close by his waist.

"Let's go to my place, Eds" Richie spike softly and Eddie nodded into his chest. The two boys got into Richies car and turned on some calming music, different to Richies usual, loud music.

Once they arrived at Richies, they decided to cuddle in Richies room and listen to music for awhile. The boys did that for awhile until Eddie said he needed to start heading home, which brought a cloud of sadness over the couple.

Richie decided to walk Eddie home instead of taking the car, so they spend more time together, even if it's only an extra ten minutes. Richie and Eddie stood in front of the door to Eddies prison for a few minutes, silence drowning their surroundings as they shared one last hug for the day.

Richie turned to leave, tears beginning to sting his eyes as he thought of Sonia. How awful of a mother she is, and how unfair it is for such a perfect boy like Eddie to be treated in such a way by their own mother.

"Richie, wait" Eddie whispered, Richie turned to see Eddie holding his hand out.
"I want to give you this, so I know you always have a part of me with you. I know you hate it when we aren't together and I do too." Eddie smiled as he put a red and blue striped bracelet in Richies hand. Eddie had had that bracelet since the boys first met, years ago, and Richie knew it was special to him. The fact that Eddie had given him such a possession with so many memories attached to it made him beam with happiness.

They shared a hug, a tight, long hug, before they parted ways until they met again a few days later. Even though it was only a few days of being apart, it hurt and left like they'd never see each other again.

"I love you Richie"

"I love you more, Eds"

Hey everyone, I just want to tell you all that I'm going on a break from writing for abit. I will be back! I just need some time to recover from things at the moment and I haven't had the most creative ideas, hope you are all doing well!
-Amy ♥️

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