Sofa Cuddles

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~ 28 year old Reddie ~

Richie was sat on the soft sofa, Eddies arms around his waist and his head on Richies chest as they watched a movie together. Neither of them were really watching it, as their eyes were absorbed in what was sat on Richies knee.

A small toddler, around three feet tall, his medium brown hair curled and messy, and his smile almost identical to Richies. On this occasion, He wore a small, light blue onesie, with tiny dinosaurs on it. (Richie had bought it for him for his third birthday, and wore it every night to bed since.)

Yes. They had a child together, and used Richies dna to make their child at least slightly like one of the two.

Their son, Stanley, was named after their uncle, Stan the man. And of course it was Richies idea to name their son after his best friend, but Eddie thought the boy suited the name. Stan was confused as to why their chose him to name their son after, but appreciated the gesture immensely.

Stanley may have Richies features, but took after Eddie with his personality.

He was terrified, and I mean TERRIFIED of germs. At the age of three, he has hand sanitizer and hand cream in his tiny pockets wherever he went, and used it at least once every few hours. He was also short tempered and had learnt to roll his eyes when he was annoyed. It made Richie laugh, but Eddie knew it was a bad trait to pick up, especially at the age of three.

"Daddy, I want some crackers" Stan demanded, and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Stan, you just had some. You'll get all chubby!" Richie smiles as he gently poked Stanley's sides, making his fall into a fit of laughter,
"B-but I don't care-" He stuttered between giggles, which brought a smile to the two fathers faces. Eddie eventually gave in and got him some crackers, and Stan stopped talking, turning his utmost attention to the crackers in his lap.

Eddie got comfortable on Richies shoulder again, and Richies arm slithered around Eddies small waist. They were so happy, the three of them, and they wouldn't want their lives to be any other way.

Once Stan had finished off his crackers, he leaned back into Richie and Eddie and got comfy between them. Richie put a blanket over the three of them as they all began to fall asleep on the sofa together, all of them happy.

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