What Couples Do (Part 2)

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You're welcome for this ;)

"Well shit"
Eddies face flushed a deep scarlet as he climbed swiftly away from Richie. Richie seemed embarrassed. VERY embarrassed. But who wouldn't be? His mother just walked in on his son kissing another boy, and in their house, that didn't seem like an OK thing to do.

"Would you two care to explain what I just witnessed?" Richies mother exclaimed, here eyes wide with anticipation and disgust.
"Well y'see mom, Eddie has never been kissed before, so I said I'd be a helpful best friend and let him try it out on me! It's not gay mom, just a normal bestie thing to do" Richie carelessly explained.

Eddie couldn't help but smirk at the quick and rather hilarious excuse Richie provided his mother as to why her precious son was kissing someone of the same gender, but His mother didn't seem to find it very funny.

"I hope you know you're not funny. You're a disgrace. I wish you could be more like your sister." The vile woman spat before dramatically exiting the room.

Richie (somehow) find his mothers remarks funny, and chuckled to himself once her footsteps were a distant patter on the creaky wooden floorboards. Richie pulled Eddie closer to him yet again and cupped his freckle speckled face in his hands.

Richie examined his view for awhile. The silky, neat curls that lay upon Eddies head brought out the cuteness in him to Richie. His molten honey eyes glowed wonderful shades of orange in the summer sun, and his overwhelmingly emotions from the previous events of that day stained his cheeks a light pink. Richie couldn't get over his lips. For years he'd wanted to pull eddie close and kiss them, and finally, he had the chance. And he took it.

Richie finally left his dazed state and smiled sweetly at his 'best friend'

"So, where were we?"

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