Broken Nose

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!Warning: Homophobic language, bullying!

[Richies Perspective]
The school field was filled to the brim with prepubescent teens, some still young enough find the game of 'Tag' entertaining, and some just slouched with their friends against a tree.
I was just sat on my own, waiting for Eddie to come back from buying lunch so we could eat together, when Bowers and his goons creeped over to me. The look on their faces as they saw me sat vulnerably on my own was sickening.

"Aww, is the weird looking fag sat all on his own? Bet you miss your faggot boyfriend don't you?" Henry teased me with his harsh words. I avoided eye contact and ignored him, but of course that got me nowhere.
"First my cousin, and now the little geeky kid? You're a real pedo Tozier." Henry continues, tears collected in the corners of my eyes but I wouldn't let myself cry. Not in front of Henry.
Due to my silence, Henry moved closer, rolled up the sleeves of his dirty red sweater and kneeled down in front of me.
"Not gonna answer me, fag? 'Cuz everything I'm sayin' is true?"
I still refused to answer him, keeping my head down and my messy hair in front of my face. A sudden stinging feeling flushed over my face, my ears began to ring and my nose as bleeding. Of course, Bowers not getting his own way caused him to punch me.
My ears eventually stopped ringing and a groaning sound came from Bowers. I looked up to see him holding his hands between his legs in pain, and a single tear streaming down the side of his face.
"Now, if you don't fuck off right now I'll beat the living shit out of you. I may be small but I'm certainly not weak." And with that, he got up off the ground and hobbled away with his odd looking goons. I looked up to see who helped me out and to my surprise it was Eddie.
The cute, cuddly, kitten-like boy just kicked Henry Bowers in the balls, and managed to scare him away. That just proves that anything is possible if you ask me.
"Baby are you ok? You scared the shit out of me!" Eddie cried and kneeled down in front of me, his hands warm against my tear-streaked cheeks.
"I'm ok now you've helped me. Thank you Eddie Spaghetti, I never knew you had it in you! Didn't think someone as small as you would be able to-"
"Ok dickhead I get it, don't make me kick you in the dick too" Eddie smirked at his own response and sat down next to me.
He retrieved a fresh, white tissue from his pocket and held it gently against my bleeding nose. The tissue quickly turned scarlet, and my now broken nose was almost clean.
"We should get you home. Your nose is definitely broken, and you need a doctor Rich" Eddie grabbed my hand as we got up and left the field.
It was an eventful day, but seeing my Eddie stand up for me?
It was worth the broken nose.

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