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Richie this entire chapter @ eddie^^
Anyways, enjoy!

Eddie and Richie often went to parties, all being held by the alcoholic sixteen year olds at their school. Richie, as you can imagine, was quite the party-goer, and would drink until he blacked out. Eddie however, barely drank when at parties. He took a cold can of Diet Coke and sipped that while keeping a close eye on his Shit faced lover.

Eddie has had a few sips of Richies drinks in the past, but he never really enjoyed it. The burning at the back of his throat, the strength of the substance reminding him of bleach. Vodka was practically all Richie drank when he has the chance to, and he wasn't exactly immune to its strength yet.

The boys were going to another one of their classmates parties after school on a Friday evening, Richie was hyped to get drunk, and Eddie was excited to hear the music and spend time with His 'Chee.

They headed to Richies place to get reddie for the party after classes finished for the day. Eddie had packed clothes for him to change into, not wanting to turn up to a party wearing short shorts and a now-dirty shirt. He packed a pair of baggy-ish blue denim jeans and an oversized baby pink shirt. He knew Richie would be surprised by his sudden change in style, and he was overly excited to see his boyfriends reaction.

Once at Richies, they both changed into their fresh clothes and examined each other, both in awe of what they were able to claim as their own.

Richie adored Eddies curly locks and his shimmering honey eyes, and the outfit he picked out for the not-so-special occasion complimenting his delicate features perfectly.

Eddies eyes scanned slowly over his lovers features. Richie wore black, ripped skinny jeans and a light grey hoodie. Casual but very different to his usual Hawaiian shirt and shorts business. Eddie felt like he was living in a teen romance movie. Having his perfect boy as his *hopefully* partner for life. Eddie noticed that Richie wasn't wearing his glasses, but wearing contacts. He rarely did this, but it gave him the chance to truly see the heaven in his eyes. His dirty glasses coated his gorgeous eyes with a layer of blur, and it always annoyed Eddie. He wanted to stare into Richies eyes for all eternity, but his inconsiderate bad eyesight stood in the way of him achieving his goal.

"Well damn, Eddie Spaghetti is looking real hot tonight" Richie Smirked, causing Eddies cheeks to flush a light pink at the comment.

"I suppose you're not too bad yourself, Tozier" Eddie replied. Every time Eddie spoke to Richie like that, Richies heart fluttered like an excited butterfly.

"I'm always gorgeous Ed's. Let's get going"

The two boys left and headed to the party together, their hands brushing close enough to touch one another, but neither of the boys had the guts to grab the others hand in public in case Bowers was close by.
They arrived at the party and Richie headed straight for the alcohol. Eddie followed suit and decided to try some alcohol too.
"Uh, Rich, which drink tastes nice? I wanna have my own drink for once" Eddie asked, and Richie looked down at him, surprised by the sudden want for alcohol.
"Well, ciders nice, and it isn't too alcoholic either. Nice and fruity" Richie poured a cup of apple cider for his Eddie and handed it over to him, and within minutes, the full cup was empty.
"Geez Ed's! That was quick!" Richie laughed, and Eddie helped himself to another cup. He filled his cup to the top, and downed the whole thing yet again.
"Careful, I don't want you throwing up" Richie started to sound more serious as Eddie, yet again, went for another drink.
Richie grabbed his hand, causing him to stop in his tracks and look up at him.
"Calm. Down."
"You can't stop me. I'm having fun! And it tastes amazing!" Eddie cheered, clearly not sensing Richies seriousness at this moment in time.
Richie decided to give up on trying to calm Eddie down on the alcohol. Reminding himself that it's only cider, 4% can't do much to anyone can it?
But he was clearly forgetting that Eddie had never drank before, and was having a lot of it. Fast.
Richie left Eddie for awhile and went to find some of his friends. He found Stan dancing alongside Billy on the dance floor, and decided to third wheel with them for awhile.
The three of them (or the two and Richie) dances together to each and every song that played for half an hour, all of them singing their hearts out like there was no tomorrow.
Eddie was still around the alcohol, topping up his cup every so often and settling into the party atmosphere. Thankfully he had started drinking a bit slower, but decided to experiment with different drinks.
He started with the cider, then took a sip of some beer and decided that he liked it. He had three cups full of beer before getting bored of it, and moving onto red wine.
'Ew, too dry' he thought, emptying his cup sloppily and trying some white.
'Now this is nice!'
He refilled his cup with wine, the residue of the previous drinks mixing slightly with the new beverage. Eddies vision was getting blurry and his speech was slurred. Very slurred. He severely struggled to walk in a straight line and could only just keep his balance.
Eddie Searched around for Richie and eventually found him with Bill and Stan, still dancing to whatever came from the huge speakers they were stood near.
"H-hey Rich! I missed you s-so much!" Eddie fell into Richie and Richie caught him, instantly regretting his decision to leave Eddie on his own with alcohol.
"I missed you too bubs. Now, I think it's time we head home" Richie had a firm grip on Eddie, as he kept slipping and was unable to keep himself still.
"No Rich! I wanna d-dance! Like w-we always used to in your b-b-bedroom on the wii!"
"Eddie, you're absolutely hammered. You can't stay out like this" Richie gave Eddie a sincere look, but Eddie wasn't having it.
As if he was a three year old, Eddie crosses his arms and pouted. Richie sighed, and decided to compromise with his boyfriend, or what seemed like his baby all of a sudden.
"Fine. One dance and we're do-"
"Yay! I love youuuuuu rich! You're the b-b-best!"
"Yeah whatever."
Richie took Eddies waist and Eddies arms found their way to Richies neck. Eddie swayed enthusiastically to the music, and Richie tried to put in an equal amount of energy, but he just wasn't drunk enough to mirror the overpowering energy Eddie had all of a sudden. Richie found it way too adorable. The way Eddie giggled and smiled to himself as he danced, pulling himself closer to Richie every so often to make sure he was still close by.
Even when drunk, Eddie cared for Richie very much, and that made Richie feel like the most special person in the world (some could argue in more ways than one) and Eddie loved seeing his Richie so happy and content with himself and their relationship.

They danced for a lot longer than they'd both like to admit, but they both had fun, once Richie quit being so over protective of his little Eddie spaghetti.

And Richie would never let Eddie forget how funny he is when drunk for the rest of his life.

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