what couples do (oneshot)

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"Why do people do that!?"
"Its what couples do Eddie,"
Richie and Eddie were alone together. They decided to watch a romantic film together, since they couldn't find anything else to watch. Eddie, being the germafobic person he is, was disgusted when some people in the film started making out.
"I'm never doing that!" Eddie squealed as Richie sighed dramatically.
"What a shame for me..." Richie smirked as he saw Eddie's eyes go wide. Eddie had liked Richie for about a year and a half, and whenever Richie flirts with him, his heart s kips a beat. Richie liked Eddie too, but Richie's personality made it hard to realise he meant what he said to Eddie.
"I wouldn't mind if it was you," Eddie mumbled underneath his breath, but Richie heard.
"Oh really?" Richie asked, his heart missing so many beats he thought he was going to die. Eddie kept his head down, flushing furiously at what Richie just said. Richie lifted Eddie's head with his finger and stared into his eyes. Many different shades of brown and grey swirled together, making Eddie's eyes look like a gorgeous galaxy.
Eddie couldn't resist the urge to kiss his best friend, so he leaned in and pressed his lips to Richie's. Richie gasped but quickly kissed back, putting his hands on Eddie's small waist. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's neck and moved closer to him, making the kiss more rough. The two boys kissed for what seemed like years, but soon their bliss was ruined when they heard what they both had feared.
Richie's mom shouted as the boys pulled away from each other.
"Well shit."

I don't know what this is but ENJOY! there won't be a second part to this (I don't think) so I hope you liked this oneshot bois!

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