Part 132 ~ Secret Spilled?

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Hey loves! :) . . I want YOU guys to name this part! any title you think would fit, please leave it in the comments . . I will use the one I like the most :) . . have fun reading, hope you like! and thank you kindly for always voting and commenting, I really appreciate it so much <3 love! xxx

~ Julianna's point of view ~ 

I can't believe Jaden and I ended up having sex again . . . I can't believe myself!! . . what's gotten into me? why don't I have control over myself when Jaden's around? . . it's like he's controlling my mind . . his face is just . . ugh . . . and his voice . . god! . . . whenever I look at him I get all weak . . . I can't stop him from making love to me . . . it's like kicking away your warm blanket in the middle of the night, when you know you need it . . . .

I need Jaden . . . I need him so much . . . it's consuming me. 

We didn't have sex for long . . Jaden came pretty fast  . . I guess he was just really horny. . . . and good . . . gosh, he's good in bed . . . he's better than any other guy I ever had sex with . . . it's crazy how talented he is for a 16 year old . . . . it literally blows my mind. . . speaking of blow . . I gave him his first blowjob from me tonight . . . I guess that's why he came so fast . . . he was a little "overheated"

Now I'm sitting in the bathtub, reading my book . . . I'm forcing myself to read but it's almost impossible. My mind is swimming with thoughts . . . mostly with pictures of Jaden being on top of me. My handsome young prince . . . . gosh, I love that boy . . . I'm falling for him harder and harder . . . I don't even know myself anymore . . . the harder I fall for him, the more I start hating myself . . .  

I gave him money for a cab. I was too exhausted to drive him home . .
I hope he gets home safely.

~ Jaden's point of view ~ 

I'm in an alley somewhere . . . my nose is bleeding and my chest area is hurting really bad. I'm not wearing my jacket and my watch and wallet are gone too . . . they totally beat me up and stole all the stuff that had some kind of value . . . . . this is a nightmare . . . this never happened to me before . . . and I don't ever want it to happen again . . . . dad . . . .:( . . . I can't even call him . . I lost my phone . . . they probably took that from me too . . . . .

Oh Dad . . . . I just wanna go home . . . I'm freezing out here. It started snowing a few minutes ago . . . I wish I could get up but I can't . . my leg hurts really bad. . . ugh . . . everything hurts.

"DAAAD" I yell . . . hoping he would hear me . . . 

Is he here? . . I need to go back to 125 Chamber's street . . that's where I was when I talked to him on the phone. I look around . . all I see and feel is darkness and freezing cold around me . . . right now I genuinely hate snow and cold weather . . . without a jacket you're pretty much screwed out here. . . An old lady just came out of the apartment building next to me . . . she drops her purse and walks over to me.

"Oh my lord . . what happened to you? . . are you alright?"

"N-no . . . not really . . . can you please help me up?"

"Of course . . . oh my god . . . you must be freezing out here . . come with me . . let me make you a hot soup!!"

For a minute I forget about dad and follow the old woman to her apartment. I figure, I call dad from her phone and let him know that I'm alright. . . . she hands me phone, giving me a warm smile. I'm calling dad but all I get is his answering machine. I try to call mom but she doesn't pick up either . . . this has got to be a bad nightmare or something . . .

"Tell me junior . . how did you end up in this alley? what happened to you?"

"Two guys beat me up and stole everything . . . my wallet, my expensive watch, my jacket . . . and they left me there injured and freezing . . ."

"Aww . . . poor baby . . . please eat your soup . . it will help you warm up"

"Thank you so much . . . but I can't eat . . . I need to know where my dad is . . he came here to get me . . now I don't even have my phone anymore . . ."

"Don't you worry, junior . . I will call the police and let them know what happened . . . please go take a hot bath . . you're still shivering from the freezing cold outside . . you're gonna a get sick . . you need to warm up"

"No . . I don't wanna take a bath . . . this warm blanket does the job, thank you"

"You're welcome . . close your eyes . . try to sleep, ok? I'll be right here with you"

~ Michael's point of view ~ 

DARN IT!!!! Jaden's phone is off . . . and my phone just died too!! I can't believe this, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!! . . tears are running down my face . . I wanna know where my boy is, I don't care about anything else in the world at this very moment . . . . . .

I'm at the police station now . . I told them the whole story and now they're trying to find out what happened and where Jaden might be right now . . . unfortunately, stuff like that happens all time there in the streets . . . gosh, I wanna see Jaden . . . I just wanna hold him and tell him that everything's ok . . . If I only knew where he's at right now . . . I would run there from here without even stopping to catch my breath . . . my heart is in the freezing cold out there somehwere . . . . I fall down on the chair behind me and just cry. . . 

"Mr.Jackson . . we will do our best to find your son . . they're out there looking for him as we speak . . please try not to worry too much, it only makes things worse"

"Well sorry, officer!! my boy is out there all by himself!!! how am I supposed to feel? how can I not worry?!!! . . are you out of your mind? do you even have children??"

"Mr.Jackson . . . please calm down . . ."

"Do you have children, officer?!! . . please tell me, do you have children?!"

"No . . . no I don't . . . but I know what it-"

"NO YOU DON'T!! my heart and soul is out there right now!!! you're not a parent, officer, you can't relate to the pain I'm feeling right now!! . . one day when you have your own children, you'll come to realize what if feels to just imagine that your child might be in danger . . . . ugh god . . . I need . . . I can't breathe . . ."

"Mr.Jackson . . . I understand how you feel . . I promise we will do our best to find your son! . . you have to trust me . . . that's really all you can do right now . . . yelling at me is not going to help at all"

"I'm . . I'm sorry . . . I'm just . . . . I'm so over and done . . . I just wanna find my son"

"I know you do . . . and we will find him!"

". . . thank you . . . ."

I've been sitting here for over an hour waiting and waiting . . . my heart feels so heavy, it's about to stop beating. I will not leave here . . not until I find my boy. The officer comes into the waitingroom telling me that they found Jaden . . . he's at some old women's house. Apparently the woman found him outside in an alley  . . . . oh gosh . . . I'm so glad he's alright . . . thank the LORD!!!

I rush to the street where the woman lives. My heart is jumping from happiness. Thank god Jaden is ok . . thank god!!! I run up the stairs and knock on the woman's door . . . her name is Wender. Rose Wender. She sounds really old . . . . a few seconds later the door opens . . . the lovely, warm smile on the old woman's face assures me that my boy is ok.

"You must be Jaden's father . . please, please come in"

I walk inside and look left and right. . there he is . . sitting on the couch, wrapped in a dark blue blanket. . . awww . . he looks so sleepy . . I don't think he even realizes that I'm here.

"Jaden . . . it's dad . . I'm here! . . everything's ok!"

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him hard. I kiss him on the forehead multiple times and pull him close to my chest. I thank the old lady for taking him in . . . she just smiles at me. I pick Jaden up and walk him to the car . . . he opens his eyes and looks at me from the passenger seat.

"Dad . . . daddy. . ."

I take him in my arm and kiss him on the forehead.

"We're going back home now . . . don't worry, I'm here . . nothing's gonna happen to you . . . are you alright? . . are you hurting?"

"Y-yea . . I am . . but I wanna go home . . . I just wanna go home . . ."

I take off my jacket and cover him with it. He falls asleep instantly.


I had a hard time getting Ariana to rest after I told her what happened. I put Jaden to bed and told her everything. She now finally managed to calm down . . we both haven't slept yet . . . it's 6:30 in the morning . . I'm just about to call Julianna to tell her that Jaden won't be coming to school today . . . I will have to tell her what happened. I'm sure she'll understand.

I haven't slept for one minute but I gotta get ready for work now . . Ariana will be home to take care of Jaden. I go up to his room before leaving and ask him how he's feeling. . .

"Hey . . . how are you. . . did you sleep well?"

"No . . . I keep having nightmares . . . I keep waking up"

I get down on my knees and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I gotta go now . . . Mom is home to take care of you, ok? . . I love you"

"Dad . . . . . I keep seeing those men in my dream . . . I don't wanna fall asleep"

His voice breaks in the middle of his sentence and he starts crying. . . 

"Dad. . . I wanna go to school . . . please . . ."

"No way . . there is no way you're going to school. . I want you to stay home all week"

"No . . . dad . . . pleaseeeeee . . . I wanna go to school"

I wipe the tears from his cheeks and get up.

"I gotta go now . . you stay here in bed . . . don't stress about school . . you gotta rest . . I love you . . call me when you need me . . alright?"

"I would . . . but . . I don't have a phone . . ."

"I'll get you a new one after work . . . you had your eye on the new iphone 6, haven't you? . . I'll get you that one, alright? . . now please try to sleep . . mom is here . ."

"Daaaad . . . ."

"Jaden . . I'm gonna be late for work . . . I really gotta go"

"Dad . . . I wanna talk to Julianna. . . I need her now . . ."

"Excuse me . . . what did you say?"

~ to be continued ~ 

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