Chapter 13

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*2 weeks later*

" HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY MY DEAR! Tiara honey wake up, we're going somewhere! " mum said waking me up. " Happy 16th Tiara! " dad yelled. It is 4th of December, my birthday. My first ever birthday without my birth parents & families which include Aibreann. Sadly the guys still have a week to go before they can come home. " Good Morning mum. Im tired. " i said yawning like a lion. " Who told you to stay up all night and sleep while you're on skype, the guys took a photo of you sleeping which is  cute and posted it! And! Its afternoon dear " mum said laughing. My eyes went wide as I quickly take my phone and went in instagram.

" @OgMolander : Awww lil sister fell asleep while skyping us! Have a great sleep sister! @TiaraMolander "

" @OmarRudberg : Hahaha my cute princess is asleep! Sleep tight! Omar Dreams ;) @TiaraMolander "

" @OscarEnestad : Never ever fall asleep while skyping us! Goodnight Tiara! @TiaraMolander "

" @FelixSandman : sorry @TiaraMolander , I have to! You're just so cute! "

All of the photos are different. Og posted a pic I think i just fell asleep. Omar took when I was already slouching. The third one is when I already have my favourite bolster in my hands. And the last one is a picture of me, hugging my bolster, my face facing the screen.

" Hahaha you see how cute you are! Now lets go change! We need to go somewhere! " mum said. It was 3pm. Then I remember I slept at 4am in the morning.  I got up and do what people normally do in the morning but in my case in the afternoon.

I was wearing a white crochet lace crop top and my fringe floral kimono. I pair them with my denim jeans, blue beanie and my floral dr martens boots. " mum must I pack any clothes? " i ask mum. " Yes dear, a week's use " mum said. Where are we going? I dont know. I packed atleast 10 outfits and 5 pyjamas and all stuffs a girl need. " mum, dad im ready! " i told them. I bring down my small lugage and saw mum and dad grinning.

" mind telling me what's up? " i ask them. " im gonna blindfold you dear for about 4 hours. " dad said. Before I could protest my eyes were already being blindfolded. I then felt hands holding me. It was mum hands. I can tell as I felt the rings on her finger. I was put inside a car and then we stopped at the airport. Im very good at guessing games. " sweety im sure you know we're at the airport, so we're gonna board a plane for 3hours. " dad said. Oh god i hate being blindfolded. I then felt mum's hands again grabbing me and pulled me towards the boarding area and soon enough the floors changed texture so i presume that we're on the plane. It is gonna be one sleepy ride.

Believe it or not, I fell asleep for the whole flight! Im quite a heavy sleeper to be honest. " tiara, wake up, u awake? Come on we have to go! " mum said to me. I stretch and surprisingly there's so much space in this plane. I soon then felt mum hands again and went out of the plane into a car- A CAR?! Woah this is getting weird. I feel like im a parcel being shipped.

" mum where are going? " i ask her again. Silence. After about 20 minutes I guess, I finally feel the ground beneath my feet which means im not in a car. I ask dad where we going still no answers. After about 5 minutes walk dad and mum finally let go of my arms. " alright dear you may open your blindfold in 3,2,1 " i heard mum say. I open my blindfold and was immediately shocked to see that im in the middle of the stage and hundreds of people screamed " HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIARA ! " I look behind me to see my 4 favourite guys standing there smiling at me.


So I planned the surprise for her.  She finally arrived and 'mum' puts her in the middle of the stage. She open her blindfold and the fans screamed " HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIARA ! ". She turned and look at me and the boys. She then ran up to us and gave a hug with tears.

The One - Omar Rudberg ( Hiatus )Where stories live. Discover now