Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sun shining in my eye. Wait I didnt remember going to sleep. I guess I was very tired yesterday so I fell asleep. After a few minutes trying to wake myself up fully, I finally decide to go and do what other people normally do in the morning. After a nice cold bath, I changed into my grey crop top with wordings which says ' I Love Boybands ' and i put on my black chachi pants, wore my 'badgirls' snapback & finally i pair the outfit with my white low-cut converse. I straight away went down to see mum cooking breakfast. " Good Morning mum! " i said as I give her a hug. " Good Morning sweetie! Wow you look gorgeous today! Anyways, can you help me and wake the boys up? " she said hugging me back. " Yea sure! I'll do it now! " I shouted as I ran back up. I decide to wake up Og first, I went to his room and boom all the guys were there tangled up in one bed, with no clothes on and only boxers! I silently tiptoed my way to the bed, I climb on it and I jumped on it. " WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKEEEEEE UP! GUYSSS WAKE UPPP!!! " i shouted. The guys just groan and pushed me down. I stand back on my feet and threatened them jokingly. " Wake the fuck up before I pour a bucket of Ice and Cold water on your faces! " I screamed again. " IM UP IM UP! " og said as he sit up. " Im awakeee.. Dont worry! " oscar said. " im happy to be aliveeeee! " felix screamed as he stood up like a drunkard trying to regain his balance. " GREAT ! Now all I have to do is to get Omar up. Boys, go clean urselfs up! " I say to them as they leave the room. I walk up to Omar and lick his cheeks. " EWWWW WTF?! " he wakes up wiping his cheeks. I was laughing at his reaction as he lay back down in the bed. " come on omar! You've gotta get up! You need to give me a tour here! " i said to him. " im not gonna wake up till you give me a kiss. " he says as he tap his cheeks. Ohh this cheeky boy! Damn his morning voice are sexy! Come on tiara stop talking to urself mentally!

I went to him and give him a kiss on the cheeks.


" URGH! Not again! " me and omar said. " Jinx! JINX AGAIN! AGAIN! AND AGAIN! " we both said the same time. We ended up laughing on the floor clutching our stomach as we try to breathe. " Hahaha Im up! Im up! " Omar said as he pulls me up to my feet. He got ready and we all went downstairs. " hey boys! Wow tiara you did a great job waking them up! You should teach me your technique, i usually take about half an hour to wake them up! " mum chuckles. " ahhh its very simple! You just have to threaten them " i smirked at the boys. They all rolled their eyes except for Omar who's staring at me. " MUM! LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! AREN'T THEY CUTE?! " OG smirked at me as he handed mum the phone. I look at him wide eyed. " Woahhh both pictures each kissing each other cheeks! (; I ship! " mum said jokingly. I was trying to hide the blush from embarassment but I failed. Omar was already blushing red. " OOOOOO THEY BLUSHINGG! " Felix shouted. " Oh shut up!" I said to felix " Mum its nothing, we're just bestfriends! " i defended myself. " if you say sooo dear " she gave me a wink. Ohh boy! after breakfast I stood up and wash the dishes. " Woaah tiara! Looking gorgeous aye! Im sure the guys cant keep their eyes off you " Oscar compliment me and joke. " Hahaha thank you oscar! " I said. " So sister, you going somewhere? " OG said as his arms around my shoulder. " Nope! " i say as I went back to the boys. " Felix mouthed to me and told me to look at Omar. I look at omar and I caught him staring. " Sooo Mr Omar, like what you see? " i smirked. " Mmhmmm ! " he replied still staring. " Urgh stop staringgg! " i say as i cover my body. Actually I dont like it when someone stare at me , let alone stare at my body. I usually have the confidence in my body but after what my ex-bestfriend did to me, made me lose the confidence and I hated it. After Omar stop staring, I stomp out to my bedroom.


I was staring at her. Daaamn her body is just soo wow. She looks great in that outfit.. I just wanna rip it off- stop omar she's your bestfriend sister! I reminded myself silently.

"DUDE! I think she's angry with you... " oscar whispered. " what happen to her? " OG said. " Yeah dude.. " felix joined in. " I dont know. I was just joking around... Im gonna go talk to her.. " i said as I make my way to her room only to be stopped by OG. " let me talk to her first. " he continued walking. What have I done?! Urgh!


Knock x3

" who's that? " I shouted as I wipe my tears away. " hey sister! You okaay? " Og said. I open the door. " heyy why did you cry? Did he hurt you? " og said as he close the door. " nah im fine.. " i fake my smile. " When a girl says im fine, you're not fine, the scale goes from great, good, okay, not okay and then comes the Im fine " he joke. " im okay, its just that I dont like it when people stare at me. It makes me feel more insecure than I already am after what my ex-bestfriend did to me.... " i explain " What did she do to you? " he ask.


" tiara, lets not be friends anymore... " christy said. " But... But why?! " i said a little bit shock. " To be honest, im only pretending to be your friend to get to your boyfriend, wait let me change that, EX-boyfriend, and you're loaded. Duhh. Dont tell me you really think im you're friend cause seriously?! Who wants to be friends with an ugly bitch like you?! Your looks are, and will ruin my reputation more in school.. Soo bye-bye! " christy said smirking. Ohhh that bitch is gonna go down down underground! " Wait. Before you go I have one last present for you... " she looked shocked at first but came to me for the 'present'. " What is it? " she said coldly. "I've been wanting to give you for a long time. " After i said that, I punched her face. " Now you may leave bitch! " i said through gritted teeth.

End of flashback.

" YOU REALLY PUNCHED HER ?! " Og screamed. " YEAH! And i guess her nose or teeth broke Hahaha! She deserve it for calling me a bitch and using me. " i said laughing. " HAHAHA! Woah! I got one badass sister! I shall not mess with you " he said smirking. " you shouldn't " i smirked back. Og continue talking " anyways, i just want to say, i think omar feels guilty.. He was scared that he hurt your feelings- " " WHAT?! Ohmy i feel bad... Can you ask him to come here please?? " i asked. " yea sure. Anything for my sister. " he said as he stood up. " thanks og! I love you!" i hugged him. " love you too! " he shouted as he walk out. I do really feel bad. I mean Omar didnt do anything to me at all. Gawd what have i done!


" She wants to see you.. " og said as he came down. " thanks bro! " i ran up.

Knock x3

come in!

" Hey tiara.. Look im sorry ! I didnt mean to stare at you like that! I mean who wouldnt, you're gorgeous as fuck you have a niceeee body, and im- "

I was cut off by her covering my mouth with her hands. " you did nothing at all omar. Its just me... Im just insecure.. People staring at me will only make me more insecure. That is why i storm out. I feel ugly, fat, hideous. I started self harming after i was bullied in school for being and orphan. I just- i just wish it could be better... Im a week clean actually... " she said as she starts to cry. " hey hey, dont cry.. Look at me. You're beautiful! Gorgeous! You're fit, not fat. Dont you ever self harm again! Promise me that.. I will be there whenever you need me... Now, i think you should rest okay? I will bring you chocolates , ice-cream & you can stay in bed watch movies. " i said as I give her a hug and walk out. The boys bombarded me with questions right after i walk into the living room. " Is she alright? What happen? Is she mad? Did you guys fuck? " they asked few more but i decide to not answer. " Yes she is alright. Personal reasons. No she's not. And we certainly did not fuck, she is my bestfriend & her bro is my bestfriend, there's no way im fucking her! " i said laughing at my last answer. They guys looked at me and then joined in too." Anyways im going to the shop to get something. Anyone wanna join? " i ask. I get a no from og and felix. Oscar, being a great friend followed me. On the way there... " sooo, what happen? " he ask. " her personal stuffs... I dont think im allowed to tell you... But she self-harmed. And dont tell her i told you! Im so worrried about her. Im going to the store to get her ice cream chocolates and some other snacks and movie so she will feel better" i told him. " SHE WHAT?! Gawd Omar. i've never see you done anything like this for a girl. You either just dump the girls when she's sad or you ignore her... But to Tiara, wow! You suddenly change into one romantic guy that cares too much about his girl. You know what? I think you're in loveee" oscar said winking. In love... But isn't it too early? Sigh better not think about it. I walk into the store, grab 5 different movies, 3 horrors 2 love story, i grab all sorts of chocolates, cookies and dough ice cream and lots of crackers. " Dude you sure she needs this much food? " oscar looked at me. " mmhmm " i said grinning. After paying, we went back to Og's house.

Authors note :

Hey everyone! Omg im so excited for the next few chapters! Hahaha! Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Can I atleast get feedbacks( comments ) about the story? I just wanna know if my story is okay..

- tea xx

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