Chapter 21

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"Well becareful while you're with him, many of the girls have their eyes on him & now that you're here, they have their eyes on you too

Mrs Sparks warning keep repeating in my head. What does she mean by they have their eyes on me? Yes girls have their eyes on him because he's hot for sure.

I silently walk to my first class which happens to be english. I took a deep breathe in and went into the class. "Ah you must be the new student! Tiara Molander right? I'm Mrs Anderson, your english teacher" she stick her hand out which I happily shook ( she seems nice ).

I was told to introduce myself which I wasn't looking forward to because of some reasons.. "Hi, my name is Tiara... im obviously new here & yea I look forward to be friends with you guys I guess" I tried to sound confident but deep down inside im freaking out. "That's good! Ok you may sit down beside Jennifer!" She points to the bespectacled girl sitting right beside the window in the middle row. I walk up to her hoping and praying she isn't one of the school cool kids.

As I sit at my table, I returned Jennifer a smile as she gave me a small shy smile. The rest of the lesson was quite boring until I heard someone whispering my name. I look around and my eye immediately land on those brown hazel eyes I loved. You guessed it! It was Omar sitting at the back of the row to my right.

He threw me a folded paper which I manage to catch before it falls to the ground. I unfold the piece of paper and grin from ear to ear reading what was written on it. It says...

"Hey beautiful, you're my girlfriend and now classmate?! I miss you! Sit with me during lunch, you may bring Jennifer along! Can't wait to kiss you :*

Forever yours,
Omar xoxo

Fyi, im your much more handsome & young version of Bruno Mars ;)"

I decide to give him no reply but instead wink at him which caused him to smirk. I decide to talk to Jennifer. "Heyya. Im Tiara" I said sticking my hands out. "Jennifer, Jennifer Lance" she shook my hand smiling shyly. "Hey, wanna sit with me and the boys at lunch later?" I asked her hoping she'd say yes so we can be friends. "Yea sure, which boys tho?" She asked questioningly. "Felix & Omar!" I smiled. She nodded and continue trying to focus in class.

The day goes by slow, it is now my history class before lunch. Please time pass by quick pleaseee. I mentally whisper. Ive made a new friend in my history class too, his name is Bradley. "Psst Tiara! Can you hang out after school?" Brad asked. "Sorry I'm hanging out with Omar, you can join if you want!" I replied happily.

"Okay class, you're dismissed!" Mr Lawrence said as the whole class ran out the door within a minute. I walked towards Jennifer who was waiting for me at my locker. I put my stuffs in my locker and walk to the cafeteria while talking to Jennifer.

"So are you & Omar related?" She asked. "Oh he's my boyfriend, I think nearly a month now" I smiled. I loved telling people he's mine, not boasting or anything, it just makes me happy to call him mine.

As soon as I walk into the cafeteria whispers starts to go around. Weird, I thought to myself. I scan the room in search for my boyfriend. "Hey tiara, he's over there!" Jennifer pulls me towards his table. As soon as we reach, Omar and I immediately hug. "I miss you" he whispers right into my ear with a small kiss just right under my earlobe sending chills around my body. "I miss you too" I said as I pulled back to give him a kiss.

"Gawd stop it, you didnt meet each other only for like 2 days" Felix joked. "So this guys is Jennifer" I introduced Jennifer to the boys. "So Jennifer, do you still talk to Olly after you know what happen.." Felix asked. I was shocked, I didnt know she knew them like personally. "Erm nahh we don't, oh by the way tiara, Olly was my ex boyfriend... yeah" she explained to me as she realise my reaction. "Oh.. im sorry but what happen between you both that caused you to break up?" I asked curiously. "I'll tell you after school?" I nodded in response.

After lunch which I didnt actually eat fully because the food taste that bad, I went to my locker to take my stuffs for the next lesson. I was about to take my book out when someone slam the door to my locker against my hands. "HEY! My hands hurt!" I yelled at that person. It was the girl that claims the boys to be hers and the one called me a b*tch...

"Well well well, look what we have here, the new student who's currently dating a superstar who was suppose to be mine ONLY MINE!" She said loudly while pushing the locker door & my hands are still stuck inside. "HE ISNT YOURS, HE WILL NEVER BE YOURS" I spat right at her face. Students have gathered around us, clearly enjoying the show ( a/n : woohoo, yay ) instead of helping me out. "How dare you!" She slapped me again. "Listen here you b*tch, I WILL get him. I will make sure he belongs to me, ONLY ME. And when he's mine, im gonna make sure he doesnt even want to see your face!" She warned. I can feel my tears coming out which I tried not to.

"HEY! WHAT THE F*CK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I heard a voice yell, the voice I love. Omar came running & pushed her away from the locker. My hands was bleeding and before I could run away, I felt a.hand slap me again. She slapped me again. I felt tears roll down my cheek, my vision became blurry as my eyes are starting to water. I push through the crowd and ran towards the bathroom. I lock myself in one of the cubicle and cried. I thought I could start a new fresh and good life here instead it was the opposite. I thought I was strong but im the opposite.

I was in the cubicle for about 15 minutes when I hear someone cane into the toilet. I stayed silent. "Tiara. Is that you?" A voice that clearly sounds like Omar asked. I didnt want to open the door or anything I just sat on the toilet bowl cover and cried. Somehow Omar manage to kick the door open and he immediately pull me in a hug. "Im sorry this have to happen to you baby, im so sorry babe" he whispers as he hug me tight.


"Omar" I look at her questioningly. "Do you love me?" She asked. It hurts me to see her in this state. It hurts to know that I fail to show how much I love her. "Yes baby girl, I love you. I love you more than you can imagine. I love you so much. words cant explain the amount of love I have for you." I said sincerely, I really do love her. "Will you ever leave me?" Her sweet innocent voice asked again. "No baby girl, I will never leave you. Never" I smiled at her.

I clean up her hand. She went back to her next class while I look for Caroline. I spotted her with her group of followers at the bench outside. I stomp my way towards them. "What did Tiara ever do to you?!" I went up straight to her. "You're suppose to be mine, just mine. And she humiliate me infront of a lot of girls. She deserves it." She talk like she didn't do anything. "IM NOT YOURS. IM NEVER GONNA BE YOURS" I yelled. She took a step back, shocked at my sudden yelling. "You will be mine soon baby... just watch out" she walks up to me stroking my jawline. I pushed her away as I make my back to class.


A/N : Hey what's up guys! So yay to another chapter. This is sort of like erm a filler because I don't want to make the chapters too long or too short. I hope you like this chapter & this should be the 1st official drama that happened in the story yay!

So what do you guys think Caroline would do? Will she end up getting Omar or will she be humiliated again. Do you think Omar did not show her how much he loves her? Well I want to know your thoughts and preference ( e.g more drama/ more cute scenes ) for the next chapter !

I may be losing some of my readers but im really thankful for those who stayed! Thanks for the 10.9k guys! 1k left to 11k !! I love you guys so much! And good news! I have decide the title for my Enestad book! Make sure you keep your eyes wide open bc I may be giving you the book title in one of the a/n in the few upcoming chapters!

- Tea xx

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