Chapter 25

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"Christy?!". I can't believe this. She's dead! How is it even possible! YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE DEAD " I yelled at her ugly face.

" well yes I was suppose to but in the end i survived, told some to keep a secret, just want to surprise you baby " her high pitchy voice said as her finger trailed down my jawline. " Dont. Touch. Me " I spat. " Come on baby, I know you miss me " she says as she look at me with the most hideous dog face ever. " I already have a beautiful girl, she'll only be the one for me until my very last breath. She'll be the mother of my future kids. My future wife. AND SHE'LL NEVER BE YOU. " I stare dead into her eyes. " well your ugly girl will face the consequences then! You shall stay here with me forever, see it's been 4 days baby. Any news from her? Nope. I bet she's at home, happy with another man, probably with Felix or even Oscar " she smirked. " YOU BITCH! SHE LOVES ME. ONLY ME. SHE'LL FIND ME AND WHEN SHE DO, SHE'LL SHOVE A CACTUS UP IN YOUR ASS " after I said that I felt like i was injected with something and soon everything starts to become blurry & darkness fills the place.


4 days went by. 4 days of a never ending search. I miss him. For 4 days, I couldn't eat at all. Not when he is yet to be found. I couldn't eat, thinking about him, whether he has eaten. I miss him so bad.

" Tiara, lets eat " Mama wilnur and mum persuades me. I just sat in my bed like a lifeless human, staring at the space. " honey, you gotta keep yourself healthy, otherwise how are you gonna find him darling " mum said and hugged me soon to be joined in by wilnur & Olly. I brokedown. This is the worst ive ever been since my parents & aunt leah funeral. " what if something happens to him... i-i dont want to lose him " you cried. " shh it's okay tiara, everything will alright, we'll find him & make him better alright? That's my promise! " olly said. I cant do anything else other than crying. Half of me is missing, he might even be gone. Forever.


I open my eyes to see the sun shining down on me. I look around and saw my room. Im in my room! I look beside me & there she is, the most beautiful girl ever! But something's different, her tummy is bigger. " Babe, wake up " i shook her. " Morning baby " she smiled at me. " Morning... i know we just woke up and stuff but 1 question, why is your tummy big? " i ask her.

" Baby you got to check your brain & memory. Im pregnant remember? It's a boy. Our son " she looked me with a smile. " I-im gonna be a dad?! " I yell. " yes omar! We are parents soon! " she smiled and hugs me. " Daddy will take care of you son! Daddy loves you " i kissed her tummy. " don't forget, mummy loves you too! " she put a hand on her bump.

Suddenly everything became black again, the next thing i knew I was in the same room ive been in, that was just a dream. Just a freaking dream, I miss her. I miss her so much. Will i ever get to see her again, will I ever get to hug her or even kiss her for the last time. My inner thoughts are making my emotions go all over the place. I need to find a way to get out of here.

* A month later *


It's been a week. I have never stop searching. The police manage to only find a box with a necklace in it with the date of when we started dating & a picture of us together. They need to keep it incase there's a clue like fingerprints that could be detected.

"Olly, can I come in?" I knock on Olly's door. He replied with a yes so I went in and sat on his bed while he's on his laptop, searching for a friend of his who he thinks might be able to help. " hey whats up? " he asked. " i-im scared Olly. Only 9 months of relationship & he's already being taken away from me. Im worried, what if those kindappers beat him, what if they didnt feed him at all & what if- what if he-he's already g-go-gone " I cried. I really dont know what else to do, I feel helpless, I feel like it was my fault he was kidnapped. If only he didnt try to come to the house.

" Hey hey relax, I assure you, everything will be alright, when we find out who the kindapper is, I'll hand you a cactus & you may shove it up his or her ass " he tries to lighten up the mood. A small chuckle is the only thing I afford to do. He looks at me and gave me a long warm hug whispering " it'll be alright lil sis. He'll be okay, he loves you so much, keep that in mind " he cooed.

" Can we please take a walk? " i ask Olly, hoping that he'll say yes. All I want to do right now is walk arounf and hopefully find Omar. I need him, I miss him. " You're hoping to find him too arent you? Look Tiara, we've reported to the police, they'll be able to find him trust me " olly said like he read my mind.

" Seriously Olly. You want to just depend on the Police? Look what they found for the past 1 month. Only a necklace & our photo. No traces of him at all?! How are we suppose to just sit quietly like nothing's happen and go to school and shit that we normally do when YOUR bestfriend, the love of my life is gone, probably kidnapped by some physco and god knows how is he right now. We. Need. To. Help. Him. Sitting at home doing nothing is only gonna make it worst. We HAVE TO help him. " I snap at him. He looked shock & terrified at my sudden outburst. He doesn't say a word but grabbing his snapback, phone & wallet. He manage to mutter " lets go " soft but loud enough for me to hear.

" Can I follow too? I want to search for him too " Mia look at us as she stand in the hallway. " No Mia, Im afraid it'll be too dangerous for you, we don't know what might happen. " Olly said to her. " But please. An extra helping hand wouldn't kill. I can come in handy you know. " she smiled. " Fine, but if anything happens, I warn you already. " Olly said, it sounds kinda harsh but Mia seems to understand the situation.

We make our way out. Walking to god knows where. Mia decides to break the silence " So Olly, been so long since we last saw Camilia, what happen? "

" oh that... I forgot to tell you guys, we broke up... " his face fell. " what happen? You didnt do anything wrong did you? " I ask. Im not gonna let anything happen to my friend. " NO I swear to god i didnt do anything. But, remember when I walk to the studio, I got a picture sent to me by her. It was a picture of her locking lips with someone. I thought it was a throwback picture of us so i brush it off because that guy looked like me. To go to the studio I have to pass by her so house so I decide to stop by. When I went in... there she was, the girl I loved. Naked with some other guy. On the freaking couch. That's where I broke it off with her. And I was gripping my phone and it accidentally took a picture of her looking ugly as ever with that guy. " he said, nearly tearing up. I feel bad for him. I can't believe this. Boy I swear to god I'll shove a freaking cactus up her women hole.

" im so sorry Olly " Mia & I hugged him. By now we were somewhere near a warehouse. Never seen this place before but it looks old. We decide to explore the place, I decide to check a car parked outside the warehouse. The car looks new, no scratches, nothing. Suddenly something caught my eye. Omar's phone, in the car. I recognize it by the phone cover, he puts a polaroid picture of us.

"Olly! Olly!" I half whisper half yelling. " Yes Tiara why are you whispering shout? " he ask trying to imitate your voice. You rolled your eyes & ushered him to where you are. You showed him the phone through the glass door. " Isn't that Omar's? "He ask.

Mia suddenly push the both of you down on the ground and put a finger on your lips asking you to keep quiet. Suddenly you saw a pair of leg walk towards the car. It obviously belong to a man. A large man. He went in the car and drive away. Lucky we're not caught.

Suddenly I hear cries. A girl yelling.


Okay lovely, took a long long time. I promise REALLY PROMISE this time i'll update more asap as I have 2 & half months of holiday until next year. I just ended school this week ( 23'10'15 woohoo )

Those who are closer to me will be able to understand why I didnt really post but is active on twitter. But Ive been having shits in life & I was kinda a lil depressed. But im okay I can cope.

All the best, I love you guys xx

- Tea xx

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