Chapter 25

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Pasliee opened her eyes to see she was still at school with Stacy and Tracy but her feet touched the ground and the twins had distanced themselves.

“Just give us back our Simon, freak!” Stacy ordered and they walked off. Pasliee hyperventilated for a minute and then stopped, sliding the locker and to the floor, in tears. When she got home and into the kitchen, Simon was waiting for her. Pasliee dropped her bag on the living room couch. She tried to walk away but Simon was faster and stronger than her and grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

“Simon, let go!” Pasliee ordered but stopped struggling when they locked eyes.

“What happened between you, Stacy and Tracy?” Simon asked. Pasliee couldn’t answer that, scared to death of what Stacy and Tracy could do if she did.

“Pasliee, you know you can tell me anything” Simon added. Pasliee wanted to tell him everything that had happened with her and the twins, how she felt and how much she needed him but she couldn’t.

“Nothing!” Pasliee answered and looked down.

“Pasliee, you are the worst liar in history” Simon reminded her. Pasliee sighed, she used to better at lying when she was younger.

“Nothing happened” Pasliee repeated.

“Nothing happened?” Simon asked, confused and not believing her but Pasliee nodded so he sighed and let go of her arm.

“Okay, Pasliee, I believe you” Simon said and started to walk away.

“Wait, Simon!” Pasliee said, stopping him at the doorway. He stopped and turned away.

“Yes, Pasliee?” Simon asked.

“I want…Stacy and Tracy did…I just…I want you to be friends with them again” Pasliee lied, feeling defeated and crushed.

“You saw?” Simon asked.

“I saw you guys at lunch and you looked distant” Pasliee lied.

“Did they talk to you?” Simon asked.

“Yes” Pasliee immediately answered and then her eyes widened, “No…I mean…it was just a little talk”.

“What did they say to you?” Simon asked.

“I can’t tell you” Pasliee answered and headed for the stairs.

“You can’t tell me?” Simon asked, following her up the stairs.

“No, I can’t” Pasliee answered. She went into her room, slamming and locking the door. That night, she walked into Simon’s room and over to his bed, where he was peacefully sleeping. He was in bed early, usually he got into bed by two or four a.m. but he was in bed by one.

“Simon?” Pasliee asked. Simon woke up and sat up with a yawn.

“Can I sleep with you?” Pasliee asked.

“Had another dream?” Simon asked.

“Yeah, never finished though” Pasliee answered.

“Sure” Simon answered. Pasliee smiled and climbed into bed as Simon laid back down. Simon hugged her and she scooted closer to him, laying her head on his chest. She yawned, closing her eyes. When Simon woke up and tried to get out of bed around four, he looked down at Pasliee and sighed. Sometime between the hours he had been sleeping, Pasliee had got an iron grip on him which she usually did when she slept with him so he didn’t mind. He didn’t dare wake her up.

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