Chapter 21

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“Hey, Kajo” Victoria said with a smile.

“Hey” Kajo smiled back. Kajo looked at Pasliee, who looked down.

“She’s my new friend” Victoria answered.

“So, what do you want?” Kajo asked.

“Oh Kajo, you’re one to make me happy!” Victoria exclaimed.

“That’s my life goal, pretty princess”

“She’s a newbie so we’ll just start off with a bottle of Vodka and Whiskey”

“Coming right up” Kajo went back into his shack.

“I don’t think this is a good idea” Pasliee muttered.

“Why not?” Victoria asked.

“This is not a good idea” Pasliee said.

“Relax, don’t be so scared, I’m here” Victoria re-assured her and grabbed her hand. Pasliee smiled.

“Here you go” Kajo said as he walked out with two bottles.

“Already mixed” he informed them. Victoria grabbed a bottle.

“Pasliee, get the other” Victoria said and Pasliee grabbed the other.

“ The money is in my right jacket pocket” Victoria said. Kajo reached in her right pocket and pulled out a hundred dollars in twenties.

“Only need eighty” Kajo said, taking out a twenty.

“Keep it” Victoria insisted.

“Thanks” Kajo said.

“Bye Kajo” Victoria said.

“Bye pretty princess” Kajo said and went back into his shack. Pasliee followed Victoria deep into the jungle and they sat on the ground, their back on the gray brick wall.

“Have you tried ecstasy?” Victoria asked.

“No…aren’t drugs bad?” Pasliee asked.

“Supposed to be but makes me feel so good!” Victoria exclaimed.

“Really?” Pasliee asked.

“Yeah, I just burned some this morning” Victoria opened the bottle and took a sip.

“Should I drink this?” Pasliee stared at the bottle.

“I’m drinking this, aren’t I?” Victoria answered. Pasliee opened the bottle and took a big sip. She put the cap back on and suddenly threw up. After a few minutes and eating a few string mints, Pasliee turned to Victoria, who was smiling.

“Does that always happen?” Pasliee asked.

“Just the first few times” Victoria answered.

“Did this happen to you?” Pasliee asked.

“Are you kidding? I grew up on this stuff. When I was five, my first time was with my Uncle and his friends. I got good grades and got the alcohol, whiskey, beer, spirit or spirtzer of my choice” Victoria explained.

“Did you throw up the first time?” Pasliee asked.

“Of course, everyone does but I had a strong stomach the third time around” Victoria answered.

“What about the drugs?” Pasliee asked.

“I had a boyfriend in fifth grade that was on drugs. The more time I spent with him, the more I loved him. I got hooked onto drugs and even more of him” Victoria answered.

“How long were you two together?” Pasliee asked.

“We never liked labels but we had an on and off relationship. Never took long for me to break up with an old boyfriend before I ran right back into his arms” Victoria remembered and happily sighed.

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