The Room

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I wake up in a room. There's two beds, one of which I'm on.

There's a shackle on my ankle, with a chain attached to it. The other end of the chain is attached to the wall between the beds.

There's a black panel in the wall, but no door.

I look over at the other bed.

Russia wakes up. He sees me, then looks around at the bare room.

"Wherre arre we?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I just woke up here too."

The black panel twists, and a person steps down into the room. "Ah, you both woke up. Good."

Russia growls. "Why arre we herre?!"

The person turns to me. "America. Please come here."

Russia yells "Hey! You didn't answerr me!"

The person stares at Russia. "I do not have to answer prisoners."

I stand up, the chain clanking to the floor. The person turns around and unlocks the panel where the chains go into.

They unclip my chain, then close and lock the panel.

They pick up the chain and climb out through the panel. I follow behind them. They close the panel while Russia yells at them in a mixture of English and Russian.

I follow the person to a room. They strap me down to a table. I start panicking.

They say "Calm down. Panic will make things go wrong."

I slowly calm down. They smile. "Thank you for your cooperation. We will remember this."

They put a mask over my mouth and nose.

I pass out from whatever gas they made me breathe.


I wake up in the bed. I feel weird.

Russia's leaning against the wall, looking bored.

I sit up. I try saying something, but my mouth hurts and won't open.

I reach up and feel it. It's sewn shut. I start panicking.

Russia runs over and hugs me. "Calm down! They told me to keep you calm!"

I slowly calm down and hug back. The panel opens again. "America. You are needed."

Russia backs away, making sure the chains aren't tangled. The person picks up the end of my chain and we leave Russia again.

They take me to the same room as before.

They lay me on the table. They put the mask on me, and I pass out again.


I lean against the wall, worried.

Tales of Crazy: RusAme short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now