Monster in the Forest

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Fantasy/Adventure setting.




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My ear twitches as I hear movement. I quickly and silently move to the shadows where I'll be hidden.

I watch as a group of people walk through the woods. Adventures. One asks "Should we really have taken the quest to find the Beast?"

Another leans on them "C'mon America! We'll do other quests if we don't get this one done in three days."

"But Sam-"

"Do you wanna go all the way home? Alone?"

America shakes their head. I look at them more. I use some of my magic to get a basic idea of what America is like.

He's shy around his family, but a very skilled hunter. I look at the rest of the group. Canada, tall and good at setting traps. Sam, similar hunting skill set as America, but not as good.

The smaller two, Aussie and Kiwi, are what humans call Beastmasters. They can talk to creatures. Aussie specifically talks with big dangerous ones, while Kiwi talks with small ones. Also dangerous.

The one with the best skills is America. I need to keep an eye on him.

America looks around the forest, tired of Sam leaning on him. He sees me, and his eyes widen slightly.

I quickly run away. I hear America loudly say "I saw something move! It's going that way!"

I take a deep breath and jump through a waterfall. I shake the water out of my fur, and run deeper into the network of caves I dug underneath the forest.

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