Mission: Help Russia - Part 2

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I wake up.

I look around.

I'm still in America's room! I wasn't dreaming!

America's typing stuff on his laptop. Father had one to coordinate raids in detail.

I stay buried under the blankets, when I get an idea.

I start rearranging the pillows and blankets.

I finish, and sit inside my nest.

I giggle, buried under some blankets.

Now I'm like the birds Father yelled at all the time. I don't know why he hated their amazing noises.

America looks over at me and chuckles a little "What're you doing, Russ?"


"Oh, uh, it's a nickname, or a fun name that isn't your actual name."

I giggle "Then you're Meri!"

I look around his room more, and I notice more toys like my wolf plushie.

I walk over to them, wrapped up in a blanket.

Meri asks "Russia?"

I pick up all the plushies and bring them back to my nest.

I move them around into little families.

I feel kinda sad that I never got to be in a family.

Well, I'm glad I got away from them! There's so much cool stuff out in the real world!

A small creature walks into the room. It has four legs, and it's got cool ears. It looks at me with its green eyes.

Meri looks over and picks up the small creature.

He pokes it's nose, then walks over to me. "Russia, this is Shadow."

"What is Shadow?"

"She's a cat."

He hands me her, and she sits in my lap. He shows me how to pet her.

She starts rubbing her head against my hand, then she starts making a noise.

"I-Is she supposed to make this noise? Did I brake her?"

Meri chuckles. "Shes supposed to do that, dont worry. She's purring. It means she likes you."

I gasp.

"She likes me?"

She purrs more and rubs her face in my hand.

There's something around her neck. "What's this?"

Meri says "That's a collar. We put tags on it so she can always be brought home if she gets lost."

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