Sudden Friendship

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America and Russia have been fighting for as long as they can remember.

Russia's started to get tired of fighting over everything, so America bullied him.

Russia lost any friends he had because of this.

He turned to the internet to find a friend.

*Russia's PoV*

As I scroll through the internet, thinking of ways I could get friends, one username catches my eye.


Heh, that's kinda funny.

He's online, so I send him a message.


Hey >

< Oh, Hi! Who are you?

A person >

< Well, duh!


I send him some memes, and he sends some back.

We continue sending memes to each other until it gets too late and I have to go to bed.

We say goodnight and I fall asleep.

*+*The next morning*+*

I get up and get my stuff.

I walk downstairs and grab breakfast before running out the door.

I trip just as I reach the bus stop, but I somehow catch myself.

Several kids laugh, but that's normal.

I stand up, but someone immediately crashes into my back and we fall over.

I look over my shoulder and see that it's America.

He gets up after sitting still for a minute.

I get up as well.

America just glares at me "Don't tell anyone."

"But there's people right over there..."

America glares at everyone.

I lean against a wall and open the small container with my breakfast. I'm about halfway through when America asks "What's that, Rat?"

"...My breakfast."

"Why don't you eat at home?"

"I... I can't tell anyone..."

"Why not?"

"I-It's personal..."

I go back to eating my food.

The bus arrives and I dash straight for the back.

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