Personal Guard

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inspired by some other fics i read

fantasy setting so:
-some violence

anyways it kinda gets derailed


I grumble "Why are you giving me a personal guard? I don't need one!"

Britain rolls his eyes "America, you need one whether you like it or not. He is going to keep you safe and make sure you don't run off anymore."

"Why aren't you giving one to Sam, then?!"

"He can actually take care of himself, America."

I look over at Sam, who's pretending he isn't listening. I look back at Britain "He's younger than I am!"

"Exactly. You are going to be the next king. You need a guard."

"Who even is the guard you're forcing me to deal with?"

Britain motions for someone to walk over. A tall man walks over. He bows.

I look at Britain. "Really, I'll be fine."

"Just go get to know him better! You'll be seeing each other every day after all!" He shoos us away.

Sam chuckles. The tall guard looks down at me. I look up at him. "What's your name?"

"Russia, your highness."

That's an interesting name. And accent. "Were you a guard before?"

He shakes his head.

I think for a bit. "What do you like to do?"


I get an idea. I start running "Well catch me then!"

He chases after me.

Unlike other guards, he can actually keep up with me. When we get out to the garden, I lose track of him.

"Wha-" I crash into someone. They pick me up. "Caught you."

I don't know how to react at first. Russia's expression only changes slightly. "Are you ok, your highness? Do you want me to put you down?"

"I'm fine, just surprised."

"Would you like me to put you down?"

"Not yet."

He adjusts how he's holding me so I'll be more comfortable. I lean on him. "How did you catch me that fast?"

"I hunted a lot." He's looking at my face. Then he asks "Do you need to be somewhere?"

"Uh- I have lessons in the library."

He starts walking. "Wait, do you know where the library is?"

"Yes. I went through castle last night to learn layout."

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