
447 7 33

Fantasy world setting!
Do I know how it works? Not at all!
Enjoy 4000+ words.

cant remember if I edited it or not.

Medieval Battlefield talk and, y'know, battles.
Injuries do tend to happen

putting the warning just in case


I'm sitting at the table, listening as Britain loudly explains how we're going to deal with the issues of the nearby monster kingdom.

He crosses his arms "They're taking up valuable territory, and no matter how hard I try, they won't even talk to me when I try to request an audience with their king."

I know he's lying. He wants to get rid of the monster kingdom, or capture the creatures as servants.

He's never tried to talk to them.

He feigns regret. "I truly didn't wish it came to this, but we must go to war with them. Kill the soldiers. Capture as many civilians as you wish. Make sure the royal monsters stay alive."

One of his favorite generals asks "Sir, who will send the war declaration?"

Britain looks around. "Well, I can't let any of you perish.. America?"


Britain hands me the declaration of war, faking sadness "I wish I didn't have to make you do this, but the others know more battlefield strategies and tactics than you. Could you deliver this to the monster king?"

He's been waiting for years for an excuse to kill me.

I sigh. "I'll pack some things and go."

"Thank you, America, you will be missed."

I go to my room, grabbing my clothes and a few other things I don't want to leave behind.

I go to the kitchen and the cooks give me enough food for the journey there. Then I go to the stables.

Sam is here already. He grins and gives me the weakest horse. "It would be faster if you walked."

I sigh, and leave without a horse.

*+*Several days later*+*

I reach the gates. The guards, eagle hybrids, stare at me. "What do you need?"

"The King of Rosewood sent me with a message for your ruler."

"Oh! Give us a moment!"

They open up the gate and one of them brings me to the palace. While we're walking, they ask. "Are you normally a messenger?"

I shake my head. "No. I live in the castle."

"Oh, you must be important, then! Our ruler will be happy to meet you!"

"Not with the message I bring..."

We reach the castle. A different person, who has fox ears and two fox tails, leads me to the throne room.

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