Runaway Brother

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Not much editing was done because this is about 4300 words long.



Some depictions of physical abuse.

Mentions of sexual abuse (I will not depict that. It's horrible stuff, and if it happened to you, I suggest therapy).


I grumble while walking into the building. I can already hear America's younger brother, Sam, yelling and boasting.

He's flirting with any lady countries not related to him.

America has his arms crossed on the desk, his head resting on his arms.

I notice that my seat is next to Sam, and I let out a very long sigh.

I sit down and Sam glares at me. America is sitting on my other side.

Sam growls "Why are you here?!"

I point to the thing that says this is my seat.

Sam eventually goes back to boasting. I soon find myself in the same position as America.

I look over at Ame. "Why is Sam like this?"

"I have no idea but it's so weird when we get home. As soon as he's alone it's like a light switches on and he acts like an actual person."

I sit up. "YOU KNOW RUSSIAN??"

"I know a lot of languages. I had to practice with Russian to be more fluent with it."

"Woah, that's cool."

America smiles. I find myself smiling too. He giggles.

It sounds so nice. I scoot closer to him and match his position.

Sam hits me on the head. "Hey! What are you doin?!"

I look up at him. "I am resting my head."

"Why did you move closer to America?!"

"Because, unlike you, he's pleasant to be around."

Sam looks offended. I turn back to America and we start talking about random stuff in Russian until the meeting starts.

*+*After the meeting*+*

I look over at Sam. He's acting angry, but he's looking down. I can see behind his sunglasses because of where I'm sitting.

He gets up and quietly says "C'mon Ame lets go home."

He always calls him Meri, like Britain does. America gets up, then looks down at me "Wanna come with us?"

I nod "My flight doesn't leave until tomorrow afternoon."

"Did you get a hotel?"

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