she has a nightmare

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Jesy shot up in bed. Her heart was racing with fear, her hands shook as she reached out to make sure you were still next to her.

She let out a relieved sigh when her hand landed on your back. A couple of noises escaped your lips when she touched you, pulling you out of your peaceful sleep.

"Jesy?" You mumbled and rubbed your eyes tiredly. "Yeah, it's just me, lovely. I'm sorry I woke you up. Go back to sleep."

You would normally go right back to sleep but you could hear how shaky her voice was and you could hear how labored her breathing had become. You sat up and looked over at her, frowning when you saw her wiping her cheeks. She was crying.

"Baby? What happened?" You put your hand on her arm and she sniffled. She was clearly upset and it broke your heart to see. "I just had a nightmare." You leaned your head on her shoulder and reached for her hands. You took them both in yours and pressed kisses to them.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She shrugged. She didn't wanna give it any more thought, but at the same time, she could tell you were worried because of how anxious and on edge she seemed to be.

"I don't wanna talk about it. I just want you to hold me." She murmured as a tear ran down her cheek. you reached your hand up and wiped it away with your thumb, pressing a couple of kisses to her cheeks lovingly.

"Okay." You laid back and let her lay her head on your shoulder. She reached for your hands and let out a little sigh of relief when your fingers intertwined together. "You can talk to me about it if you'd like. You know I'm here for you."

You weren't trying to pressure her. You just wanted to make sure she knew she could trust you, even with the things that clearly scared her the most.

"I know, I just wanna try to forget it. I just wanna lay here with you." You nodded and played with her hair with your hand that was holding hers. She planted kisses along your collarbone, her lips trailing across your skin. "Promise me you'll never leave?" She asked after a few minutes had passed by.

"Is that what your nightmare was about?" She shook her head. "Not entirely, no." You let out a sad sigh. "Jesy, I've promised you this before. But I'll say it again, because clearly you just need some reassurance, hmm?" She nodded her head and looked up at you.

"Baby I'm not gonna go anywhere. I love you way too much to ever leave you. Whatever your nightmare was about is completely false, okay? It was all just a bad dream. I'm not leaving, ever."

You could feel her body relax a little. Her lips moved across your skin again, her hand letting go of yours to rest across your stomach. "Okay." She gave you a small smile and closed her eyes as you started to play with her hair again.

In just a few minutes she was sound asleep again. It made you happy to know that even after her worst dreams, she was still able to fall back asleep again as long as you were there to hold her.

You dropped a few kisses to her head and closed your eyes, falling back asleep yourself with her wrapped securely in your arms.

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now