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You craned your neck to look back at the clock. The time read that it was after one in the morning and you were exhausted, yet still wide awake. You've lied on your side beside Jesy for the last hour trying hard to get to sleep but being unable to because of the intense craving you can't seem to ignore.

Your stomach growled and you let out a long sigh. As much as you didn't want to leave the warmth of your bed you knew falling asleep without satisfying this craving was gonna be nearly impossible.

You climbed out of bed slowly so you wouldn't wake up Jesy before tiptoeing out of the bedroom and closing the door softly behind you. You tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen. You went straight to the freezer and grabbed the container of ice cream before grabbing a spoon and going to the table and digging right into it.

But as soon as you did, there was a voice coming from behind you.


You turned your head as you licked the snack from the spoon.

"There you are. I got a little worried when I woke up and you weren't there." She said as she took a seat beside you. "Guess I shouldn't have been surprised though. What is this? The fifth night of cravings that seem to hit at half-past one in the morning?" She teased and accepted a lick from the spoon when you put it to her lips.

"They're so intense, I can't seem to ignore them no matter how hard I try."

Jesy shook her head with a smile and placed her hand over your stomach. "I understand, my love. I'm sure when they get here we won't be sleeping at this hour anyway." She joked and leaned her head on your shoulder, laying a few kisses to your soft skin. "I'm so excited for them to get here."

"You and me both." You scoffed, causing Jesy to giggle. "I know these next few months won't be easy but it'll be worth it." You said as you lifted your head, just as she cupped your cheek and leaned in to give you a soft, loving kiss.

"Absolutely." She promised as she ran her fingers through your hair. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."

Another kiss was placed against your lips and you so desperately wanted to deepen it. But she pulled back almost as quickly as she pressed her lips onto yours.

"You've always been so beautiful, but there's something so special about you being pregnant. You have this glow. I can't get over it." She whispered and started to kiss your neck and you closed your eyes, melting right into the feeling of her soft lips moving along your skin.

But your eyes flew open and you pushed her away, making her frown worriedly.

"I'm done with the ice cream... but now I want something else."

"Let me guess..." she said as she went to the fridge, opening it wide to pull out the jar of pickles. "Pickles, right?"

You nodded your head quickly and dug right into them while Jesy just held onto you happily.

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now