you have an anxiety attack

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You sat down on the floor before your knees could give out on you. You could still hear the screaming coming from outside from the fans. Your breathing was labored and you felt like you were gonna pass out.

"Y/n?" You heard Jesy's voice from behind you before her hand touched your shoulder. She sat down behind you and you started to hyperventilate. "I can't breathe." You started to panic. "Yes, you can. Y/n, look at me."

Your heart was racing and your hands were shaking in Jesy's as she held them and laced your fingers together. "Close your eyes and take some deep breaths." You shook your head and squeezed her hands tight. "No. No. I can't. I can't breathe."

Jesy let one of your hands go and rested it on your cheek. "Come on babe. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. You can do it, you can do it for me. I'm right here with you." You released a shaky breath but closed your eyes and focused on breathing.

You focused on Jesy's thumb brushing across your cheek and the sound of her breathing. "You're doing great." She encouraged, and with her help, you started to slowly calm down.

It took you a few minutes but when you opened your eyes you saw Jade approaching you. She put a bottle of cold water by your leg and gave you a small smile before she rubbed your back up and down for a second and walked away to give you and Jesy a moment.

Jesy opened it for you since your hands were too shaky to do it yourself. You took a few sips and sighed when it hit your dry tongue. "Better?" Her hands moved to your shoulders and gently pushed on them, reminding you to relax them. "Yeah, I'm okay now. Just a little tired. Thanks for being helping me through that."

Jesy kissed your forehead a few times then rested her forehead on yours. "I'll always be here to help you." You leaned your head forward on her chest and she wrapped her arms around you to bring you just a little closer.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." You said and closed your eyes as you listened to the steady beat of her heart.

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now