old photos, same beautiful girl (requested)

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After watching Jesy's documentary you decided to google some old photos of her.

Every single one of them made your heart flutter. She was gorgeous, hell, she still is. How could she possibly think so badly of herself? Why couldn't those nasty trolls keep their opinions to themselves. Why did they think they had the right to crawl under her skin like that? To make her hate herself?

You were absolutely speechless looking at the old photos, but in the best way. You wished fate had brought you two together sooner because you would've praised every single part of her body, especially the parts she hated. You would've told her every second of everyday that she's beautiful and worthwhile.

"Whatcha doing?" Jesy spoke from the doorway making you jump. "You scared me!" Jesy laughed and and came over to you, taking a seat next to you and putting her hand on your back. But as soon as she saw what was on your laptop screen she pulled her hand away. "Jesy..." "Hmm?" She hummed, as if you didn't notice how she had just pulled away from you as soon as she saw the old photos of her.

"Look at me." It took her a few seconds but she eventually looked up at you. "You're absolutely stunning. You were stunning then and you're stunning now. I'm sorry bullies made you feel otherwise, but I love that Jesy just as much as I love the one in front of me, okay? Please don't ever think you're anything less than beautiful, not now, not ever. If you do, come right to me so I can tell you just how gorgeous you are. I'll praise you and your body for hours on end. Okay?"

She captured your lips with hers and you smiled into the kiss. "My god, you're amazing." Jesy said as she pulled back from the kiss. "And you're beautiful. I love you so much." Jesy laid back on the bed and pulled you into her arms. "I love you more."

Jesy Nelson Imagines (gxg) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now