Chapter 3 - Dinner w/the Guys

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"So how have you been, Yana?" Namjoon asked.

"Uh... I've been good, Joonie.... just really busy with work and stuff," you responded still a little distracted from Tae and Kookie's conversation.

"I bet, but that's a good thing, right?" He asked with a shy giggle.

"Yeah... uh... definitely," you replied trying to quiet your thoughts so you could focus on your conversation with Namjoon.

"I meant what I said about you looking really good. I've always had sort of a little crush on you, you know?"  He said blushing, moving a little closer to you. 

"Namjoooooon! Stop!" You giggled hitting him again, dragging out his name dramatically.  You noticed Tae came out and stood at the door of the kitchen to see what was going on.

"What?! I'm serious!"

"Oh whatever!" You said, waving him off and still giggling.

"Oh, you don't believe me?  Okay, how about this?"

Namjoon sat up straight and shifted his body so he could look directly at you. 

"Will you go on a date with me this week?  I wanna take you out."

"Wait... you're serious?!" 

You were surprised, but flattered.

"Yes... I am!" he said laughing.  "I never asked you out before because I just always assumed you and Tae might, you know..."

You paused for a moment...

"Um, okay sure," you shrugged, ignoring his reference to you and Tae.

You'd had plenty of guys ask you out, but you usually said no. You and Tae weren't exclusive or anything, but the two of you spent most of your time together when you weren't working, so you really didn't have much time or desire to date.  But now since Tae's little announcement to Kookie, you thought to yourself...

Why not have a little fun?  Tae obviously was.

"Great! Are you free on Wednesday?"

"Yeah, I am actually."

"Okay great!  So, I'll pick you up at 7?"  You nodded.  "Can you put your number in my phone?  I'll send you a text to remind you a few hours before."

"I'll put my number in, but you don't have to worry... I won't forget." You said smiling and taking his phone.

Namjoon blushed again, showing off his adorable dimples. You'd always thought he was kinda cute, and he'd always been flirty with you since the first time you'd met him.

You like how he seemed like the take charge type and always appeared to be really mature and kinda like the leader of all the guys, even though he wasn't the oldest.  You'd never really paid much attention to it before, but thinking about it now, it was kinda hot, actually.

After you put your number in his phone and handed it back, you happened to look up and notice Tae rolling his eyes and turning back into the kitchen.

Wait... what was that about?  Was he jealous?Interesting... you thought to yourself then shrugged it off. Of course not... besides, why would he be?

You focused your attention back on Namjoon and continued talking to him about work and listening to him as he shared stories with you about his students. 


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