Chapter 34

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Shane waited all night. He stood in the same spot, shrouded in shadows, watching the comings and goings of the club members and visitors. He had a plan and he was ready to act on it. The next morning, after a disheveled looking Macy left with the baby, Shane headed back to the house.

When Macy got there Shane was already changed and sipping coffee. She did not have their son with her so his plan was already changing.

"I'm sorry I flipped out," he said darkly.

"Yeah, me too," she said hesitantly, "But, Shane, I don't think this is a good idea. Us. Too much has happened. Too much has changed."

"I scared you yesterday," for a second there was a hint of his muddled southern accent. "I'm sorry, suga. This is my fault. I realized that last night."

It was as if Shane was back, Macy's Shane was back. Macy was her father's daughter though and she refused to trust him but felt herself softening toward him.

"I'm glad you took the time to think about it," she sighed. "I know I freaked. I was," Macy shook her head. "Seeing you was like seeing a ghost."

"I was gone a year," he said sharply.

"I know I think, I think I told myself you were dead so often that it became true in my head," she whimpered. "I think I wanted you dead because knowing you left me was somehow harder to believe."

"You freak out on your brother too?" He asked defensively.

Macy nodded, "I did. He's the most guilty in this mess but you're not totally innocent. I stand by my original opinion, you should have told me."

"I just made some coffee," he said, raising his mug to her. "You want some?"

"Yeah," she sighed with relief. "I'm so beat."

Watching as he refilled his mug and poured a fresh cup for her, Macy smiled at him. It was so normal to watch him making her coffee, it was those moments she missed more than most.

"Same?" He asked, gesturing to the sugar bowl and cream he'd pulled from the fridge. "You went black didn't you?"

"Yeah, Same, I never did stick with that whole black coffee nonsense."

Shane chuckled, handing her the mug and sitting across from her. "Where is he, Mace? Shane?"

"Daycare," she admitted shamefully. "After last night I didn't think it was appropriate to talk to you with him around."

Shane nodded, sipping this coffee, and dropped all pretense. "Are you done here? With me?"

"Yes," she stammered. "I love you but I meant what I said," Macy gestured to the house. "This is not you. You need therapy, Shane. You need to, at the very least, tell people you're back. There was months of investigation and I had to go on the news begging for your return, because we didn't know what had happened. It became obvious you left, there was no foul play and no body, so we swept it under the rug but the sheriff's office was devastated."

"I don't want to be here," he told her. "I want you and our son. Ireland was a nightmare at first but I'm good at what they have he doing."

"At killing people?" She asked boldly. "That's what you do, right? You're an IRA hitman."

Shane shook his head. "That's the club filling your head with this shit to keep you on their side."

"It's not sides," she snapped. "They are my fucking family, Shane."

Shane snarled at her but recovered. "Opie's your family too?"

"That's complicated and you know it," she said defensively. "I want to co parent. I want to help you get back to where you were and who you were, but I can't do that being married to you."

"You wanna coparent?" He practically laughed in her face. "Fine. Put me on Shane's pick up list. Let me take him for the day. I deserve to know my son."

Macy put her hand up. "Too much too fast."

"I knew you were gonna say that," he clicked his tongue.

"You're baiting me, then?"

"No, just wanted to be sure," he said, suddenly dropping his kind demeanor. Shane took her mug from her hand as she started to feel woozy. "Don't worry, it's not gonna kill you," he promised her.

"What?" She asked, her eyelids feeling heavy as she slumped over on the couch.

"Just tell me who's on the list, Mace," Shane told her as he took her phone from her purse. "Clay? Ope?"

"No," she slurred. Even if she wanted to, Macy couldn't form the words.

"Alright, I'll figure it out," he sighed. Shane leaned over and kissed Macy on the lips. "I'll be back, suga," he promised her unconscious body as he covered her with a blanket.

In her car, skimming text messages, he easily found out Beach was on the daycare pickup list. Shane then typed out a quick message.

"Hey, sorry, I really need you to pick up Shane from daycare! Not life or death but an emergency! Can you?"

"Sure thing. Meet me at mine?"

"Yep! One hour! Thanks, Beach!"

Shane didn't meet Beach, he was already waiting for him when he arrived at the house with the child. He was parked under a large tree two houses up watching and waiting. Once Beach was inside, the child safely in another room, Shane got out of his car and simply walked up and knocked on the door.

Before Beach could even react to the shock of seeing Shane on his doorstep, there was a bullet between his eyes.

"Sorry, man," Shane sighed, stepping over the body, "I gotta get my fucking family back together."

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