Chapter 8

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The next morning Jax sat at one of the shaded picnic tables, enjoying his late morning coffee and cigarette when he noticed Opie rolling into the lot. He jumped off his bike, moving with an unusual sense of urgency.

"Your sister never came home last night," Opie told Jax, his voice tinged with worry.

Jax scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically, and dismissed Opie's concern. "She's probably off sulking, lickin' her wounds," he said. "She came by after work, saw you and Donna and she was pissed. It was obvious when we talked she was under a different impression."

"Shit," Opie hissed.

"Got something you wanna share?" Jax asking knowingly, his eyes on Opie.

Rubbing his hand down his face, Opie groaned. "No, there isn't."

"She's had a fucking crush on you since she was a kid," Jax explained the obvious. "Think she took the living situation as more?"

"No," Opie said sharply. "I know how she felt."

"How'd she get the wrong idea?" Jax asked, leaning forward, his eyes still on Opie with growing intensity.

"She doesn't," Opie told Jax. "Doesn't mean she liked seeing me with my ex. What did she say to you?"

"She didn't have to say shit," Jax snapped. "I'm not an idiot. I know you and Macy, I could see the flip."

"There's no flip," Opie said defensively. "I've...liked Macy for a while, brother. The move wasn't about that, for either of us, and I didn't cross any lines."

Jax rolled his jaw, chuckling ominously, as he got to his feet. "I fucking knew it."

"Nothing happened," Opie told him, "And nothing is gonna happen."

"Yeah," he smirked, "Not after this shit with Donna. Macy's pissed."

"She can get over being pissed," Opie said, "No bein' hurt, not like this."

Jax sighed, guilt creeping up on him again, and nodded ."She will, eventually."

"For the best," Opie said although his words lacked conviction.

"I think so too," Jax said with a nod. "How'd everything go with Donna?"

Opie smirked but just shrugged. "Fine."

"Still at your place?"

"Nah, she left last night."

Jax drew his head back with surprise. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Opie said simply. "We both know it's not gonna go anywhere."

It was such a departure from what Donna and Jax discussed previously that Jax knew Opie did or said something. The conversation flowed from contentious to peaceful rather quickly. By the time Gemma glanced outside the office, they were both smiling.

The office phone rang and pulled Gemma's attention back to her work. She scooped up the receiver and answered. "Teller Morrow."

"Mommy?" Macy whimpered

"Macy?" Gemma said in a panic. "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm okay. I just need Daddy," she cried, "I'm at the gas station off 880, the Speedway."

"We're coming baby. Are you in danger?"

"No," she croaked, "I'm safe. Just hurry before these guys call the cops."

Clay and Tig raced out of the clubhouse and sped off, Gemma following behind in her truck, leaving the others in the dark.

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