IMPORTANT- Please read

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As of today, this account is INACTIVE. This is now gonna be a backup of my new(and main) account fizzy_apples  so if you want to contact me for some reason PM me on there! It'd also be appreciated if you followed me!

As for Family Ties, it's on hold until further notice, just because TheJadeWarrior and I have lost interest, but who knows? Maybe one day we'll be inspired to keep writing and maybe even edit it(God knows it needs editing).

TheJadeWarrior and I have written a new ORIGINAL book, and it would be awesome if you guys would go check it out! Over the course of the past two years, our writing has improved a ton, and there are a lot less plot holes than in this.

I was legit reading this the other day and the first few chapters when it was in first person... I cringed. What Happened That Summer is by far the best thing I've personally ever written, so please check it out! (Shameless self-promo).

I also want to thank all of you for your support! Without the amount of the support TheJadeWarrior and I got on this book, I probably never would've thought about writing another book, and writing wouldn't have been such a big part of my life like it is now. Plus, The Other Marshall wouldn't have existed. Your comments and votes always make my day a little better, so thank you so much! Honestly you guys are the best.

For old times sake:


(Cringing rn.)

The Lost Salvatore: Luna Gilbert-Salvatore(1)Where stories live. Discover now