Pot Calling The Kettle

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Saiki's POV:

We got back to my house a little later. Yuuta got picked up and left, leaving me, Juliet and Escalus alone. He looked at me and crossed his arms.


"Alright...you want the truth?" I said. Juliet was holding my hand.


"I'm a powerful psychic."

".....you're mental.."

" He's telling the truth." Juliet agreed. She let go of my hand and walked out into the kitchen. "Show him, Kusu."

"Juliet do not humo-" Escalus quickly shut up when he noticed me floating in the air.  His eyes widened.

"Wh...what...." Escalus sat down on my couch.

"I told you..." I said. I made the couch levitate.


"Kusu!" Juliet came running back over. Both the couch and I dropped. Escalus sat there, shaking.


"Sorry....I didn't mean to scare you..." I said. Juliet helped her brother to his feet.

"W-wait...why did...all the sudden."

"Your sister blocks my powers. The lead in her blood stream works as a giant canceler. She makes me feel....normal..."

"...B...but you...you're..."

"Cool? So i've been told....but my powers....They're a nuisance...I spent my life trying to hide them. Trying to be invisible. I don't want attention. I've grown up seeing myself as a whole different species.....as... something.... different all together....I never needed anyone....or anything.... emotionless and friendless...."

"Oh Kusu...."

"...but then I met Juliet.....when she's with me...I'm normal...I see things normal....I had to learn to.... speak..  non telepathically.....I've never heard my voice out loud until then....I've never had.... emotions like this...feelings....of....attraction...? Happiness? Maybe even....love?"

"Oh my....." Juliet blushed brightly and hugged my arm. " Kusuo...."

" ....I'm sorry...." Escalus mumbled. He was looking at the ground. " All the time I knew about what happened...I vowed to protect my sister....to get stronger to do it....I never wanted her to be hurt again...and when I saw you and her together....it brought back that rage.....that disgust of not being able to protect her before....I was afraid you'd hurt her....if not physically, emotionally....the fear of her dating mixed with the haunting past caused me to despise you...."

"...I don't blame you. I may not have a younger sister, but I can imagine how difficult it must be.... especially if you were hiding the truth to protect her..."

"Kusuo Saiki..." Escalus held out his hand to me. "Please forgive my rudeness....I see now.... you're more than capable of protecting Juliet....and I see that she is important to you..."

I shook his hand and nodded.

"She's my everything...."

"I'm glad to hear it."

Juliet's POV;

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. Finally, my brother and my boyfriend can begin to get along. Kusuo's mom walked in not too much later.


"Hi Ku! Juliet!" She turned to my brother and looked him up and down. "Hello....?"

"Oh, Mrs. Saiki, this is my older brother Escalus." I said. My brother bowed.

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