Food For Thought

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Saiki's POV;

"Oh! Ku! I'm sorry to have to send you out again. I forgot to ask you to pick up rolls before! Silly me." My mom said. I groaned. My face was still beat red from what had happened. Juliet stood next to me, just as embarrassed. Her mom smiled and headed back to the cutting board she was using.

" Next time we'll try to tell you when you're already out so that we don't disturb you." Said Mrs. Monteque.

"Moooom." Juliet groaned. Mrs. Monteque chuckled. My mom turned around.

"What happened, Ku?"

"Nothing."I answered.

" Oh don't worry, they were just being teenagers." Mrs. Monteque added, she continued to cut onions. My mom waved around her knife.

"Now Ku. I told you no babies. I'm too young-"

"WE WEREN'T-" I took a deep breath. "We....weren't... Doing anything.... We'll go get the rolls. Come on Juliet." I held Juliet's hand and headed out the door. I shook my head. "I can't believe that happened. I'm so sorry."

"What? Why?"

"We may not have gotten into trouble but that was embarrassing."

"Hm. True." Juliet started. "But either way I have no regrets. Who cares."

"You're always so carefree...In a good way, I mean."

"I know. Besides, my parents would be beyond happy for long as I don't end up with a kid."

"Oh we are NOT making that mistake...don't worry...wait, wait the way i'm rephrasing this isn't any better....crap." I said. Juliet started laughing.

Juliet's POV:

No I was not embarrassed. Everything that happened in Kusuo's room was by accident and was completely consensual.  Sure, my mother caught us, but nothing happened. My mom and dad understand what can happen. Kusuo, you have nothing to worry about. But yes, let us take our time. I enjoy our time together as is.

"Let's get these rolls and head back. I'm sure that dinner will be ready soon." He said.

"Well we don't have to rush. I like our walks...the fresh air. The energy from everyone out and about. It's calming." I said as I reached my hands up, touching a nearby tree branch. "Sure, I may not be a cliché hippie. I eat meat and I wear shoes and everything."


"But I still love nature and the beauty and the natural things. I've said this too many times....I'm sorry." I covered my mouth to stop myself from talking.

"No. I love when you talk about your not so hippie, hippie life." He gently grabbed my hand. "Don't ever stop yourself from talking. I want to always hear your voice."

I blushed at that sentence. He looked deeply into my eyes as he told me. We've obviously only been together for a couple days, officially only a few hours, yet I feel as I knew him all my life. His gentle touch calmed me. His voice is all I needed. I wonder if he could feel the same. I believe I may be thinking too much about all this but that's difficult for me not too. I'm a hopeless romantic after all.

"Kusu, I....I don't know what to say..."

"Just keep talking. I love hearing everything you talk about. Your life, hobbies, even work. You make it interesting. I'm normally always bored but...with you...well...I've said this before...I feel different." He brushed his fingers along my cheek. "I feel human."

"Oh, Kusu, You were always human. You just needed someone to help that side come out. "

"That's who I found. That perfect someone to help me." He leaned closer. "I found you.." He whispered. I closed my eyes. Wanting to experience it all with touch.

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