Perfect Date Part 1

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Obviously I was panicking when the day arrived. I've never been on a date so I figured, ask my dad. This was his response.

"Just give her presents and laugh at her jokes, Kusuo!"

That wasn't helpful at all.  My mother had better advise.

"Oh Ku, just be yourself. Girls like kind gentlemen. You'll do great."

But then she also said.

"Pay for everything she wants. Treat her like a queen."

So, yeah. That's what I got to prepare me for y first date ever.

Saiki's POV:

I fidgeted with my tie as I approached Juliet's house. It took everything I had to remain calm as I knocked on the door. I heard heavy footsteps approach the door, obviously her dad. He opened it and greeted me with a smile.

"Kusuo! Good to see you!"

"Good evening Mr. Monteque." I cleared my throat. "I-I'm here to pick up Juliet."

"Come on in, she's finishing getting ready." He said, practically pulling me through the door. I was expecting a more protective dad approach but never this. Juliet's mom poked her head around the wall upstairs and smiled.

"Kusuo! So happy to see you! Wait till you see my princess, she's gorgeous!"

"Mom you're too kind." I heard Juliet say from upstairs. Her mom slid down the railing, with Mr. Monteque waiting at the bottom to catch her.

"Hello dear."

"Ah my love, wonderful entrance as always."

"Ahem." I cleared my throat again. Juliet's parents giggled and separated from each other's embrace.

"Juliet, your caller is here."

"Coming down now." Juliet announced. She turned to corner and descended down the stairs. She had on a flowing, knee length purple dress and white wedges. Her long brown hair was pulled into a messy side braid. I was speechless. She was beautiful. "Hi Kusuo."

"I...h-hi.." Get a hold of yourself. "You look...amazing."

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." She giggled, pointing to my uneven neck tie. I tugged on it, hoping to straighten it but it only made things worse.

"Here." Her dad fixed it on me and patted my shoulder. "There ya go. You kids have fun. Have her back by ten ok?"

"Yes sir."

"Awwww you two look so cute." Mrs. Monteque smiled. " Keep your phone on you."

"Yes mom." Juliet picked up her handbag from the coffee table and pulled me out the door. "Love you two!"

"Love you too sweetie!" Called her mom.

"Be safe! Use protection!" Called her dad. Juliet closed the door. I looked at her confused.

"Did your dad just-"

"Don't worry about it, he's being silly." She smiled. "So, what's on the to-do list?"

"Well...dinner...and a romantic walk. If you want."

"I love evening strolls. It's always so beautiful."

"Just like you." I blushed and looked away. "Ah, crap I"

"Thank you. "

"You-You're welcome."

Juliet's POV;

He looked so handsome. He had on a light blue button up shirt with a dark blue tie and a nice pair of jeans. He looked beyond nervous. I was as well. I've been on a date before but it wasn't sincere. Meaning, it was all a joke. That was the only time I've seen my father mad. Let's say the outcome wasn't pretty. My dad's name may be Benvolio, but he was anything but.

Kusuo looked down at my hand and slowly grasped it. His face was red. I smiled. He's such a sweetheart.

"So what would you like for dinner?" He asked.

"Hm...I'm not really picky." I thought to myself for a second. "How about, we just go to a fast food restaurant? 

"What? Fast food? If it's money you're worried about I have enough..."

"Oh It's not that. I'm just not into that fancy, dim lighted, sit around others and here gossip across the way kinda girl. I like a more...peaceful and less exhausting thing...I hope that's ok?" I could tell from his eyes this wasn't what he expected, but he also looked happy. I could imagine that with his powers, he isn't much for crowds. Even if his powers were gone, so many people could bother him. What I said was true anyway. I prefer a more peaceful date than a crazy one, but even I can't turn down a good amusement park if offered.

"If that's what you want, sure." He smiled at me. I liked seeing him happy considering all his time with being so blank. 

"Well...If it's ok with you, we can get the food to go and sit in the park, like a picnic."

"That...that sounds had this date all planned out didn't you?"

"No no, I'm just a simple girl. I like simple things."

"Then a fast food picnic date it is. I'm kinda surprised...With your very...uh...flower child-Shakespearean family...I might have thought you were a offence."

I couldn't help but laugh. Not in a mean way but at the thought. Many people make the same mistake and hearing it come from him,  It was adorable. He blushed from embarrassment and looked away. 

"No don't get flustered. It's cute you thought that. I'm honored you took my taste into consideration." I gently turned him to face me again. He blushed for a different reason now. 

"I-I ah...o-ok...."

Saiki's POV:

My mind goes blank when she talks to me, when he smiled at me. I can't help it. My stomach feel's like it's in knots. My throat feels dry, it's a swirl of new emotions and I never want them to leave but it's so confusing. I feel like i'm going insane from it all.



"You ok?"


"Ok...well let's get this food and go sit...I'm hungry."


We got three bags of the cheapest fast food we could find and headed down to the park. The sun was setting and the air was getting cooler. It didn't seem to affect her the least bit. I had two of the bags in one hand, my other was holding Juliet's. Her voice broke the silence.

"The sky is so lovely in the evening...It's like someone painted it."

"I've never looked at it that way. You have a beautiful way of seeing things."

"I like seeing everything in a beautiful way, it keeps me at keeps me happy..."

"I...I use to see everything as a nuisance....Nothing really mattered to me...I woke up everyday just going through the same motions because I never had to worry about any issues...and I couldn't be tricked by anyone cause I could always know their true selves...true motives..." I paused. "...I never could see the world as beautiful cause I never saw anyone in it as such...but now...I can see why you say it is."

"What changed your opinion?"


We both stopped walking and stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. I knew I wanted to. I wanted to kiss her. The very thought of it caused my heart to race. I was about to lean in until my stomach growled out of hunger. Juliet snickered.

"Ok ok. Enough sappy moments. Let's go eat."

"Yeah." I shuffled behind Juliet, silently hated my own hunger for ruining something so perfect. I didn't worry for long though, after all, the main part of the date was about to happen.

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