A Break Is Needed

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Saiki's POV;

It's been a few days since Juliet confronted her guardian spirit. Although nothing has gone wrong, Juliet focused her attention to learning all she could about her past. It hasn't been easy.


The flower crown wearing girl lifted her head from her book and met my gaze. I gave her a calming smile. She stared at me before sighing and closing the book in her hands.

"I know what you're thinking.....Juliet you need to calm down and take a break." She said.

"Wow. Word for word. You sure you aren't psychic?"

"Har har.....I just want to find out all the answers. I feel like I don't know who I am anymore....all my life I thought we just moved for the diner...or my brother....but...."

"Hey." I rested my hand on hers. "I told you we'll figure it out. Have you asked your parents?"

"No....like I said, I wouldn't know how to explain it...."

"Hey! Juliet!" Called a female voice. It was Yumehara.


In an earlier chapter I mentioned how Yumehara and Mera wouldn't be in the story. Sorry, but they may make some appearances in order to make it run more smoothly. Don't blame me, that's how it happened. It's how the author is writing it.


Hey what did I say about the 4th wall?



Saiki's POV:

Yumehara stood in front of Juliet and me, smiling. I stared at her.

"Chiyo. How are you?" Juliet asked.

"I'm great! I came by to see if you and Saiki wanted to go to karaoke later. You've been looking like you've been stressing out. It'll be fun! I'm bringing Kaido!"

"I...I don't know I....have work to do." Juliet mumbled. I rubbed her hand and nodded.

"We'll be there, Yumehara."

"Great! See ya later!" She said as she skipped off. Juliet looked at me, shocked.

"But you don't like karaoke."

"I don't hate it....besides, I want you to relax and have fun....if that means...." I took a breath. "Suffering.... through tone deaf singers in a cramped room...."

"...Pfft.....that sounds like so much fun."

"I regret it already."

We walked into the small room. Hairo was already typing songs into the machine. Yumehara was sitting against Kaido, who was more oblivious than embarrassed. Teruhashi was sitting by herself. Even Nendo was here, to my surprise, I thought he was banned from the last time. Kuboyasu was over in a corner, "wait is he flipping a knife?"

"All our friends are here." Juliet said. I looked around at the room full of our classmates, and extras.

"This might not be so bad. As long as Nendo stays quiet."


"Damn it."

Juliet giggled. I'm glad she's starting to feel better.

"Hey! Saiki! Monteque! You two have to sing!" Hairo said. I shook my head no.

"That sounds like fun." Juliet said. I gripped her hand.

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