Alone Time

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Saiki's POV:

I waited for Juliet outside the locker room after changing my shoes. We decided to walk home together, although, wouldn't make a difference seeing as we lived on the same street. I smiled at the thought of just taking our time walking. Talking about our interests and just having a nice stroll. She said she was off so maybe we could work on our homework together. I had my eyes closed in thought, but I knew Teruhashi was walking up next to me.

"Saiki! Ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"Silly, Karaoke." Teruhashi said. She really didn't get it.

"No. I have other plans."

"Don't be so silly, we'll have fun. Just us." Is what she said out loud, but she was thinking. "This is perfect. He's too shy to admit he wants to hear me sing. I'll grace him with my beautiful voice and finally get that 'Oh Wow'."See the issue? I was just going to erase her memory of the whole thing but as if on cue, in came Juliet, looping her arm through mine.

"Alright Kusuo, ready to go?"

"Sure." I smiled and turned to Teruhashi. "I told you I had other plans."

"Hi Kokomi." Juliet smiled. "Did you have a good day?"

I couldn't read Teruhashi's mind anymore,but I could see in her eyes that she was cursing off Juliet. I could see the jealousy and rage building up in her. I, selfishly and in a cruel sense, found it amusing.

"'ve been here a few days...and you're already so Saiki." She gave a fake smile. "Tell me why."

"Well we're neighbors, so we walk home together. Oh, and he loves my family's diner." She faced me. "We kinda just...we started talking and here we are."

"...How...Wonderful!' Teruhashi giggled. Juliet patted her bag.

"Dang it...I forgot something i'll be right back." Juliet ran back inside. Once again I could hear Teruhashi's thoughts. They were not pleasant.

"Who does that Juliet think she is! Coming to this school and trying to take my place as the perfect pretty girl!"

That is not the case.

"Now she's trying to take my Saiki away!"

I was never yours.

"I'll get rid of her. She probably has him in some trance like the witch she is. Yeah! I'll get rid of her and break the curse."

You're insane.

"Then Saiki will be mine!"

Never in your life. I sighed and looked inside. What was taking Juliet? I wanted to go home. Mainly, I wanted to get away from Teruhashi.

"Saiki, I'm sorry to had interrupted. Have a good evening. We can go to karaoke some other time." She gave one more smile before strolling off the school's vicinity. Juliet walked out from behind the wall by the lockers, just out of range of me.

"So what was she thinking?"

"You never forgot anything did you?"

"Sorry, no. I wanted you to be able to read her mind. So what did she say?"

"Well, she defiantly hates you."


It's true, Teruhashi hated Juliet. She still does. It doesn't affect my Juliet the least, nor should it. "He said my Juliet" yes I did because that's the truth. She's the very best thing that happened to me.

Saiki's POV:

We got back to Juliet's, her parents had already left for work, so it was just us. I slipped off my shoes before walking to the kitchen and setting my bag down.

"Oh we don't have to sit at the table." Juliet said. She had one foot on the stairs. "Let's go to my room."

"...." I cleared my throat and fought back a blush. Normally things like that statement don't affect me. In fact, I normally find any lewd continuation that sentence has gathered to be repulsive. I knew she didn't mean it that way, yet I couldn't help thinking it. She has me messed up, I was beginning to enjoy it.

"Yes, is that ok?"

"Yes. Absolutely." I picked my bag up and followed her up the stairs. Her room was a faded pink with a flower archway painted over the door. The Monteque's take the Shakespearean look serious. She jumped onto her bed, her red comforter unfolded slightly. I looked away.

"So cozy..."

" Juliet."




My show is a very somewhat modest one. So is my story, kinda. So I'll leave the conversation after that to your minds and skip ahead to us doing homework. Yes, we actually did homework.

Saiki's POV;

I sat on the floor against Juliet's bed while she sat in a bean bag chair across from me.



"Huh?" I looked up from my notebook. The serious tone in her voice caught me off guard.

"Oh sorry. X equals 9."

"You solved that fast."

"Heh. Well it was simple.... but I'm an A plus it's nothing much...." She said, looking a little upset. "Sorry I didn't mean to boast."

"No no it's fine....I normally breeze through but since my powers aren't as strong as before cause of somebody's blocking affect..."

"Oh I wonder who that is." She said in a sarcastic tone. I snickered.

"I get to do algebra the hard way."

"I'm practically done...." She whispered. I blinked in amazement.

"So much for doing homework together..." I added. She rolled out of the beanbag chair and crawled next to me.

"I can still help you if you want."

"That would be great...." I said. I didn't really need the help, but having her next to me was nice. She lowered her voice and explained to me what to do. Of course I pretended not to know how to do anything, I just wanted her to speak more.

"And that's how..... Kusuo? Are you listening?"


Juliet smiled and squinted. "I don't even think you need my help do you?"

"Not really no but I love it anyway." I sat the notebook on my lap. "Saturday."


"Saturday night at 7.... we'll go on our date." I smiled and turned to her. She nodded in excitement.

"I like that idea! Saturday it is"

Her face was so close to mine, maybe a few inches. I stared into her eyes then glanced down to her lips. She noticed and grew red.


" sorry sorry. This is new to me and I just...ahhhh"

"....Pfft....heheh you're so cute. Don't worry Kusuo, I'll help you be more.... human." She said. Then she kissed me lightly on the cheek. I couldn't focus on my math after that, but it got done somehow.

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