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Juliet's POV:

"Alright. Let's see....I'm gonna be bubbles. Mayumi is buttercup. Kokomi is Blossom."

"Yep" Mayumi agreed. Kokomi stared at my brother, twirling her hair with her fingers.

"That's right"

"...Kusu is gonna be...Tenya Iida from My Hero Academia." I looked up at Kusuo, who was staring at his dark blue wig. I gave a smirk.

"Why am I Iida?"

"I asked if you wanted Todoroki...or even Bakugo..." 

"I need a character that wears glasses." He said. Saiko, who decided he desperately needed to sit beside me, took a sip from his oddly green smoothie.

"Honestly, Saiki, why not invest in contacts? They make a person much more attractive."

"I didn't ask your opinion." Kusuo said. I smiled sweetly and looked at Saiko.

"Personally, I like Kusu with his glasses."


"It makes him who he is...and I find being yourself attractive." Saiko's face contorted and went pink. He was blushing.


"What are you going to be?" I asked.

"Well I was planning on being a prince, but if Saiki is being Iida, I'll be Todoroki."

"I regret my choice." Kusuo said.

"I'll be Kirishima!" Kaido yelled. Kusuo looked annoyed. It was kind of cute.

"...I regret everything..."

"Escalus...what are you gonna be?" Kokomi asked my brother. Escalus sat there, puzzled.

"I'm a bit too old for Halloween don't you think?"

"Nonsense! You can still dress up! Everyone can!"

"I never put any thought into it." He turned to me. "Juliet, what should I be?"

"Hmm...Well....It will be a little odd given we live in Japan....but why not be Captain America?"

"...Do you think that's a little...traitorous?"

"Not for Halloween. It is the only day of the year to be something you're not. You'd fit the profile."

"Well....if all else fails I'll be All Might!"

We all basically face palmed after that. Escalus can be a dork sometimes. It felt like time flew right past us. It was nice to get out with the friends and it was even more amazing to be hanging out with my big brother again. I had missed him terribly. 

"See you all Monday!" I waved as everyone left the mall. It was only Escalus, Kusu and me left. Mayumi walked out with Aren, saying something about having fun with the bad boy, whatever that meant.

"Well that was.....something..." Kusu said. Escalus kept staring at him. I had hoped they would have gotten along but Escalus is a protective brother. I do hope they can at least tolerate each other enough.

Saiki's POV:

"AAGGGHH!"  I screamed internally.  The entire day Escalus has been doing nothing but giving me death stares. I'm surprised Juliet never noticed. Sure, Escalus is cool to everyone else but jeez, he makes me uncomfortable.

"...Hey Kusu, Escalus..." Juliet said in a soft voice. We both turned to her. "Thank you for a pleasant day. I was happy to spend the day with everyone."

"It's my pleasure Juliet. I'm glad you're happy." Escalus said. I looked at him, he glared at me again.

"Dude, enough..."I thought. 

We made our way back toward Juliet's. I had both mine and her bags. She was enjoying the sight on our walk down the street. She's amazing. Even though she sees the same view day after day, it's like she can't get enough of it. I couldn't help but smile. 

"The sunset looks lovely." Escalus said.

"Indeed. Sometimes I like to climb up onto the roof and stare up at the sky. Don't tell Mom and Dad." Juliet giggled. Escalus smirked.

"Your secret is safe with me."

We got to my house and Escalus stopped. I was confused, as was Juliet.

"Escalus? Why have you stopped?"

"This is Kusuo's house isn't it? It's his stop."

"I see what he's doing now." I pushed up my glasses and smiled. " Oh thanks, but I normally walk Juliet home."

"That's alright, I can take my sister home."

"He's serious."  I switched all the bags to my right hand and held Juliet's hand with my left. " I'm more than capable of doing it. I've been walking her home since we started dating." I looked at Juliet. "Besides I have her bag."


So normally I don't want to cut into the story like this, but what Escalus said and did right after I said that....Juliet, I love you I really do but I've never wanted to punch someone sooooo BAD.

Saiki's POV:

Escalus carefully took Juliet's bag from my hand and patted me on the head.

"Oh don't worry. I'll take care of that. You run along inside."


I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. If Juliet wasn't by me, Escalus probably would be ten feet in the air by now.

"Kusu.." Juliet squeezed my hand, obviously noticing my building rage. "It's alright...go ahead...I'll be fine with my brother."

"...Fine..." before I walked away I did the one thing I knew would really piss Escalus off. I gently lifted Juliet's chin and gave her a kiss. I felt her face grow warm as she blushed.

"I'll have a talk with my brother. I promise." I heard her say.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

I let her go and gave Escalus a nod.

"Good night Escalus. Text ya, Juliet."

" Ok!"

Escalus gave me the dirtiest stare he could muster up as he and Juliet walked away. I hope a talk settles things. I really hope I didn't mess things up more.

Juliet's POV:

My brother placed my bag on the dining room table before turning to me. I was slipping off my shoes.

"I don't like him."


"That Kusuo guy. I don't like him. He's hiding something." Escalus said. I stood up and walked over to him.

"What do you think he's hiding?"

"I don't know. He's shady. You shouldn't be with him."

"Who are you to tell me I shouldn't?" I was growing angry. My mom started making her way down the stairs.

"I want what's best for you Juliet. You're my baby sister. I want to protect you!" Escalus started to yell. I balled my fist, trying to remain calm.

" I am NOT a child. I appreciate your protection but I'm capable of handling it myself. Kusuo is a great man and you are too blind by your overbearing brother routine to see it. He isn't hiding anything, you're just insane. Stop trying to push him away from me or else you'll push me away too." I turned and walked past my mother and up the stairs. " Hello Mom, and goodnight."

I left both my brother and mom downstairs and headed to my room. Perhaps now Escalus will know better.

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