Saiki and Monteque

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 So, her brother was back from training. I wasn't nervous or anything....much. Normally this stuff doesn't bother me but the look he gave me when I told him who I was...scared the shit out of me. I don't know why. I don't know how. Something like that I just ignore, or just shrug it off. I don't care about things like that at all but for some odd reason, the look he gave me made me nervous. The stare and the actual aura he had was enough to make my stomach turn. He wasn't evil, obviously. In fact his aura was the most protective I've ever seen before, but that was the problem.

Saiki's POV:

I walked at a distance away from Juliet, Escalus and Mayumi as we headed back to Juliet's place. Escalus had a smile on his face, happy to be home. The only problem is he didn't like any bit of me. Every now and then, he'd turn around and look at me, shooting daggers with his eyes. Juliet didn't know. Mayumi was picking up on the static.

"Do Mom and Dad know about your homecoming?" Juliet asked.

"Actually no. I wanted it to be a surprise but when I saw you walking out, I had to get your attention." Escalus turned to Mayumi. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude....what's your name?"

"Mayumi Suzuki."

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Suzuki." He stopped walking and turned his attention to me. "...And you...?" He asked in an irritated voice. Juliet patted Escalus' hand.

"Escalus, this is my boyfriend, Kusuo Saiki."

"...Boyfriend...? You have a boyfriend...?"


"..It's a pleasure to meet you sir. I thank you for what you do for the country..." I bowed out of respect. Escalus stood up straight and gave a slight smile. He appreciated it.

"Oh thank you....." His expression changed back to a glare. "'re my little sisters....boyfriend."

"Please don't tell me he's as creepy as Teruhashi's brother. "

"Escalus. Please don't get over worked. Kusu is a nice guy."

"...Yeah he better be." Escalus turned back around. "Come on, let's get home." 

Escalus and Juliet started walking again. Mayumi hung back and walked with me.

"Me thinks he hates youuuu..." Mayumi said, poking my arm.

"You don't say." I responded, sighing in relief. "Least he's not obsessive about her like Teruhashi's...."

"Oh for real....given that Escalus here knew about what happened when Juliet was a kid, can't say i blame him for the over protective older brother routine." Mayumi patted my head. "I'm sure he'll like you at some point. Oooooooooor, maybe not. He could hate you forever."

"Not helping."

"Never said I was."

We caught up with the siblings as they reached the door. The lights were on indicating that her parents were still up, and giving it was only eight at night on a Friday, I can't imagine they're asleep yet. Juliet took out her keys and unlocked the door. She pushed it open.

"Mom, Dad i'm home."

"Princess! We weren't expecting you so soon." Mr. Monteque said. He had his right hand on his wife's hip the other one holding her hand. Mrs. Monteque had her left hand on his shoulder, smiling.

"Guess who I found." Juliet ushered her brother in. We followed after. Both of her parents gasped loudly.

"Escy!" Called Mrs. Monteque. She hugged her son tightly, "Oh my baby!"

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