Robot With Feelings

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Funny right? The title of this chapter. It couldn't describe me any better. So much changed. My smiles are genuine. I fee happy. I grew up thinking life decided to grant hell on someone and I was the unlucky human but now, I'm not so sure. There's always two sides. Good and evil, dark and light, ying and yang. Every action has a reaction and I felt as though I was the only thing without one.  Then Juliet arrived and she's my reaction. Ugh now I'm gushing all about her.

Saiki's POV;

I waited outside the diner for her. It was almost 8. The diner closed at 9. The bell on the door jingled as Juliet came walking out.

"I'll see you guys at home!" She yelled back to her parents. I could see the silhouette of her dad's hand waving through the darkened glass window. She closed the door and turned to me. "Well...."

"Come on. I know some people that can prove me right." I motioned in the direction of our houses. She understood and started walking in front of me.

"....You know it's not that I don't want to believe you right? I just find it pretty coincidental that you tell me about your.... talents... after we had that conversation earlier after school."

"Talents? Does she mean my powers? She won't even say the words out loud." 

"I don't want to be lied to and made fun of. I've had that happen before. I want to be friends but I can't be friend to some jerk that mocks me..."

"I'm not mocking you. Juliet please. Give me a chance to prove it to you." I started jogging to catch up. She nodded slightly.

"I'll give you a chance...I like having an open mind."

We got back to my house, my parents were already sitting at the kitchen table. Juliet walked in, she looked confused.

"So this is the mysterious Juliet Monteque?" asked my dad. I nodded in agreement. Juliet bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Saiki....but I don't understand why I'm here."

"We're here to help Ku. He's become so infatuated with you and he just needs you to believe him about his wonderful powers."

"Mom!" I felt my cheeks grow red. I was blushing.

"Infatuated? Kusuo what is she talking about?"

"Oh she doesn't know? Ku I thought you were being honest with her?" My mom crossed her arms. I covered my face, now feeling embarrassed. 

"M-Mom! Stop!"

"Honey you're embarrassing the boy. Wait, Kusuo embarrassed?" My dad jumped out of his seat. "HE'S FEELING!"

"That's why she's here. No, wait, she's here about believing his powers not his emotions." My mom turned in her seat and stood up. "Why don't you believe him? Is he not good enough for you Juliet? Is my baby boy not what you wanted!?" 

"Ma'am...Your son is an amazing young man. All I request is proof that he's not making fun of me for believing in such supernatural abilities he's claiming to have." Juliet answered. My mom took a deep breath and went back to smiling.

"Well if that's all you need! Ku lets prove it!"

"That's the problem. I can't. For some reason when I get close to her my powers fade. I can barely speak telepathically to anyone with her next to me." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Maybe this was a bad idea...."

"Kusuo. What if we separate you two?" My dad suggested. I looked at him.

"...Ah why didn't I think of that. You're smarter than you lead on."

"Well thank you-wait was that an insult!?"

"Wonderful! Lets start by having you two stand two arms width apart." My mom said in a cheery tone.

"I still wanna know if that was an insult! Kusuo!"


It was. We all know my dad is, at his best, stupid. I guess I love him anyway. I love both my parents, they mean well. Plus, it was a smart idea my dad had, suprisingly. It worked and we determined exactly what distance my powers begin to fade. You know how people have aura, or at least thats what is said, Juliet's is strong. Whatever she has is massive. Wait that sounded wrong.

Saiki's POV:

"Three meters." I felt my powers at full force, as much as they are with the antennas in. Juliet was still in the kitchen while I was in the living room with my mom. There was duct tape on the floor marking off at what point I felt my powers begining to return and where I was standing at full strength. "Can you and dad hear me?" 

"Loud and clear Ku!" 

"Huh? He didn't...say anything..." Juliet looked at my mom. 

"It worked. I can show you now." I looked around and reachedmy hand out to the couch. "...But you need to promise me you won't tell anyone else. Please Juliet."

"...All this trouble, you really must be something. I promise."

"Thank you. Now." 

I lifted the sofa off the floor with ease. I then showed her my pyrokenisis, teleportaion, shapeshifting, levitation, everything. It was almost nine by the time I stopped. Juliet was on the floor, beyond shocked. She still took it better than my grandparents.

"Honey, you alright?" My mom knelt by her. I walked closer. My dad was sitting at the table.

"...You really...It's..."

"I know. You think i'm a freak now."

"I think you're incredible. Like a superhero. It's amazing." She stood up and grabbed my hand. "I'm dreadfully sorry for doubting you. Please, forgive me."

"I...I forgive you.." I looked away, my cheeks started getting red again. "Y-you think I'm amazing?"

"Of course. I think having powers like you have in such a blessing...and also a curse...It must be hard to control them sometimes..."

"Aw it's like you two were made for each other. She understands you!"

"M-Mom! Please don't. " I looked back at Juliet. Her kind smile made my heart feel like it might explode. I didn't want to let go of her hand.

"Kusuo? Are you alright?" Juliet tilted her head. I blinked a few times.

"...J-Juliet...I um..ah jeez i've never...Juliet.."

"Come on Kusuo, you can do it son."

"...Juliet...I know this is..Kinda...really soon...but...I would really like to get to know you you like to go out with me?"

"Hm..." She giggled. "I'd like that. Sure."

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